We will improve all facets of public security, speed up the development of a crime prevention and control system, and rigorously prosecute people who engage in violent and economic crimes, and frequently occurring crimes against property such as theft and |
中文意思: 搞好社会治安综合治理,加快建设社会治安防控体系,依法严厉打击严重暴力性犯罪、经济犯罪和盗窃、抢劫等多发性侵财犯罪。 |
We will hold a seminar this Saturday, 12/4/2004, in Room 220 from 10:00-10:45. The speaker will be Susy Chang, Senior Financial Services Executive, MetLife. The topic will be Are Your Loved Ones Protected?
专题讲座于本周六﹐十二月四日十点至十点四十五分在220教室举行。讲员是大都会保险与理财公司张荔扬女士﹐题目是「你的家属是否有保障?」﹐欢迎家长参加。 |
We will hold campus recruitment conference in Wuhan University on Nov.22. If you are interested in our company, please see the public notice of the university.
我们将于11月22日(星期一)下午2:30在武汉大学工学部5203教室举行现场招聘会,有意加盟者请留意学校公告。 |
We will honeymoon in Spain.
我俩将去西班牙度蜜月。 |
We will implement policies and measures to solve the problems rural migrant workers in cities face.
认真落实解决农民工问题的各项政策措施。 |
We will implement the administrative law enforcement accountability system to strengthen and improve administrative law enforcement.
加强和改善行政执法,落实行政执法责任制。 |
We will improve all facets of public security, speed up the development of a crime prevention and control system, and rigorously prosecute people who engage in violent and economic crimes, and frequently occurring crimes against property such as theft and
搞好社会治安综合治理,加快建设社会治安防控体系,依法严厉打击严重暴力性犯罪、经济犯罪和盗窃、抢劫等多发性侵财犯罪。 |
We will improve and standardize the system of affordable housing.
改进和规范经济适用房制度。 |
We will improve fiscal, tax, credit, foreign exchange and insurance policies and measures to encourage strong, reputable and competitive Chinese enterprises with different types of ownership to go global.
注重提高引进外资质量和优化结构,更多地引进先进技术、管理经验和高素质人才。 |
We will improve grassroots self-governing organizations, their democratic management system and the system of keeping the public informed of matters being handled, and ensure that the people directly exercise their democratic rights according to law, mana
健全基层自治组织和民主管理制度,完善公开办事制度,保证人民群众依法直接行使民主权利,管理基层公共事务和公益事业,对干部实行民主监督。 |
We will improve management of the culture market and steadfastly fight against pornography and illegal publications.
加强文化市场管理,坚持开展“扫黄打非”。 |
We will improve our work concerning overseas Chinese, their relatives in China and returned overseas Chinese, and fully utilize their unique role in promoting the reunification of the motherland and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
进一步做好海外侨胞和归侨、侨眷的工作,充分发挥他们在促进祖国统一和民族振兴中的独特作用。 |