Famous for his wit, Oscar Wilde once said, Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.
素以机智闻名的王尔德曾说:要原谅你的敌人;没有什么比这件事更让他们生气的了。 |
Famous for its product service and product support to clients Chloris quickly open enormous market and make their client list larger.
除在市场上享有声誉,也赢得了广大业主和业界领导的赞赏与认可。 |
Famous for the BMW advertisement and the leading role in Arthur King, the British Film Star Owen said he hoped he can have the chance to play the super spy James Bond in 007 movies.
因主演宝马系列广告和《亚瑟王》等影片闻名于世的英国影星克里夫-欧文最近表示,他希望有机会出演《007》系列中的超级间谍詹姆士-邦德。 |
Famous for their free-flowing, elegant style, often referred to as “samba soccer,” the Brazilians have carried home the World Cup trophy no fewer than four times.
巴西人以自由、文雅的踢球风格闻名,常被认为是“桑巴足球”,他们抱回世界杯的奖杯足足有四次。 |
Famous for their melodious voices, members of this sign also make great singers, public speakers and receptionists.
有着得天独厚优美嗓音的牛儿也很适合当歌手、演讲家和前台。 |
Famous hi-tech series entrepreneur, he was a investor of the famous venture capital MDS.
著名的高科技产业系列创业者,回国前是海外著名风险投资公司MDS基金的投资人。 |
Famous humorist Li Jindou and other popular stars shared the history of the development of and their own experiences with the audience and offer excellent performances of Chinese opera &drama.
李金斗等著名表演艺术家与北大师生一起回顾曲艺发展的历史与个人成长的经历,并为大家献上精彩的曲艺表演。 |
Famous living painters; transplanted living tissue.
在世的著名画家;移植活性组织 |
Famous modern novelists also include: Mark Twain, Jack London, etc.
著名的当代小说家还有马克.吐温、杰克.伦敦等。 |
Famous people often find their privacy invaded by the press.
名人总是发现他们的 隐私被报界侵犯. |
Famous physicist Stephen Hawking has made the first move towards his desire to go into space - being given the opportunity to experience zero gravity.
4月26日,英国著名物理学家斯蒂芬·霍金完成了体验太空之旅的夙愿。他在大西洋上空体验了“零重力”飞行并安全返回。 |