Eventually, he got a job at the YMCA teaching the one thing he knew he could do: public speaking.
最终,他在基督教青年会得到一份工作,讲授他知道他惟一能做的一件事:公众演说。 |
Eventually, he lost his job and is still try to find means to send money to her int her country.
后来他又失去了工作,但依然给自己理由去寄钱去那个国家给那个女人。 |
Eventually, however, even the biggest blabbermouth will learn how to button their lips and open their ears.
总体来说,你这个最有名的长舌人应该学会在什么时候闭嘴什么时候竖起耳朵。 |
Eventually, if the volume of troublesome information becomes unsustainable, the orthodoxy must collapse.
到最后,当假设无法处理越来越多棘手的资讯时,所谓的「正统学说」就会分崩离析。 |
Eventually, in one of the galactic systems, a plan came together to design Earth as an intergalactic exchange center of information.
最终,其中的一个银河系联合起来设计,把地球作为银河信息交流中心。 |
Eventually, it kind of... burns out.
最后,它(激情)可说是……消耗殆尽。 |
Eventually, laws were passed guaranteeing workers fair wages and working hours and prohibiting child labor.
最后,终于通过法案保障工人合理的工资、工时、并且禁用童工。 |
Eventually, most purchasing in developed countries was done with coins and then paper money.
最终,发达国家的大部分购买活动用硬币和后来的纸币来完成。 |
Eventually, of course, the inevitable happens.
当然,不可避免的事最后终于发生了。 |
Eventually, one of them learned about a local foster home that needed an extra room.
最后,他们其中一个人得知当地一间育幼院需要多一间房舍。 |
Eventually, poor women came to her out of desperation and went away from her clinic to spread the word that good medical treatment was available to those in need.
最后,没钱的妇女由于绝望而来到她的诊所,走出诊所后,她们就传出话说,穷人也可以得到很好的治疗。 |