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States Analysis (99 -998)of Endemic Typhus in Jingzhou Area
锦州地区99 —998年地方性斑疹伤寒疫情分析

Stars and the Moon Twinkle Over the World 星月明镜照人寰——读艾砂、马乙亚伉俪诗集《凹凸情》
Started from late 970s, metaphor research flourished among European and American scholars (Ortony, 979;Honeck, 980;Cooper, 98;Kittay, 987;Lakoff and Turner, 989). 从70年代后期开始,欧美学者对隐喻的研究达到了高潮(Ortony,979;Honeck,980;Cooper,98;Kittay,987;Lakoff and Turner,989)。
Starting its project and taking its goal as resisting the racist traditional American literary criticism, Asian American literary criticism, on the surface, seems to share nothing with the former. 以反叛具有深刻种族主义内涵的美国传统文学批评为起点和目标的亚裔美国文学批评,从表面上看,与前者势不两立。
Starting with the view point of grain science, this article is to explain the various uses of barley, for malting and brewing in the manufacture of beer, and for distillation in whisky manufacture; 本文从谷物科学观点出发,阐明大麦的用途:大麦用来制造麦芽和酿造啤酒,经蒸馏生产威士忌酒;
Statement of construction technique for hardpan steady used water 浅谈水稳砂砾层的施工工艺
States Analysis (99 -998)of Endemic Typhus in Jingzhou Area 锦州地区99 —998年地方性斑疹伤寒疫情分析
Static Control in the Blanket Viability Crises of Power Systems(Ⅰ)——Overall Balance Problem 电力系统中频率危机的静态校正(Ⅰ)——功率平衡问题
Statins and Blood-Brain Barrier 他汀类药物与血脑屏障
Statins and Dementia 他汀类药物与痴呆
Statins is a -hydroxy- -mathylglutaryl-CoA(HMG-CoA)reductase inhibitor. 他汀类药物是 -羟基- -甲基戊二酰辅酶A(HMG-CoA)还原酶抑制剂。
Statistical Studies for Drug Clinical Trials Designs and Gene-Disease Association 关于药物临床试验设计与基因—疾病关联性的统计研究

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