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It is easy to understand that patients will suffer less from their allergy if they were instructed about avoiding strategies and are informed about possible allergen sources.

It is easy to see that the eastern and western parts of Ukraine have diametrically different opinions concerning the future development of the nation's economy. 因此,由上述可见,乌国东西部对其国家未来经济发展之意见南辕北辙。
It is easy to see that the source or production of qi is related to innate endowment, acquired nutrition and environmental conditions, and the actions of the kidney, spleen, stomach, lung as well. 很显然气的根源与产生与先天禀赋、后天营养和周围的环境有关,也与肾、脾、胃、肺共同活动有关。
It is easy to study typing. 学打字很容易.
It is easy to tell a dolphin from a fish. A dolphin's tail moves up and down. The tail of a fish moves form side to side. 要识别鱼和海豚是很容易的。海豚的尾巴是上下摆动的,而鱼的尾巴是两边摆动的。
It is easy to tell from his accent that he is from Hong Kong. 由他的口音很容易辨别出他来自香港。
It is easy to understand that patients will suffer less from their allergy if they were instructed about avoiding strategies and are informed about possible allergen sources. 这是不难理解的:如果指导患者避免接触过敏原的策略以及告知他们可能的过敏原来源,他们的变态反应症状就会减轻。
It is easy to understand the reluctance to invest in training if management can't see results. 这就是为什么如果管理层看不到结果,他们就不愿投资培训。
It is easy to use so you can quickly access a wealth of information. 本光碟资料丰富,包括数以百计文章、相片及图像,还辑录了超过三十分钟的录像片段,使用简便。
It is easy to write off the asymmetrical tactical gurus as game-engine hackers who search for bugs and errors within the engine and exploit them. 很容易一口气就写出像游戏引擎破解者一样的非对称流战术大师们是如何找寻并利用游戏引擎的漏洞的。
It is easy, just add something between TITLE tags. 很简单,只要在标题标签中加点东西.
It is easy, unfortunately, to understand why none of these pre-cautions were taken—the rappel was short, the terrain familiar, and knotting the ends of a rope that should have reached the ground with 30 feet to spare likely seemed pointless. 不幸地,我们很容易可以理解为什么前述的保护措施都没有在这次意外中被使用~因为这个只有单次垂降、距离不长;这个地形是当事人相当熟悉的地点;绳子的长度明显足够,所以也就省略了绳尾打结的重要性。

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