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As its feature,it is a small desk-top continuous press driven by motor or man-power.

As it was, she was so full of food and so tightly laced that she feared every moment she was going to belch. 实际上,她吃的这么饱,腰带勒得这么紧,时时都怕自己呕吐。
As it was, there were a couple of lapses in concentration at the back and at the top level you get punished. 事实上,在最高水平的比赛中在后场稍有疏忽你就会受到惩罚。
As it works to break food down to the smallest components, the digestive system is subject to various disorders ranging from minor annoyances to deadly cancers. 消化系统既可以汲取食物中的营养,又可以形成不少疾病;消化系统疾病的形成,主要由于饮食习惯不良、神经紧张,以及经常选择较难消化的食物。
As it would be unlucky to discuss one more superstition, we will wind things up here. Keep your fingers crossed, and stay lucky! 既然再讲一个迷信会倒霉,那我们就在这里结束吧。把食指和中指交叉,祈求好运而且永远走运!
As it's slightly damaged, I will knock $2 off. 由于有轻微的损坏,我将降价两美元。
As its feature,it is a small desk-top continuous press driven by motor or man-power. 其特点是一种小型台式电动连续压片的机器,也可以手摇。
As its technology companies soar to the outsourcing skies, India is bumping up against an improbable challenge. 当印度技术公司在外包行业中扶摇直上之时,这个国家却突然遇到一个不太可能的挑战。
As its working condition is underwater 120~175m in the Three-gorges area, it utilizes the displacement technology and deep-water impervious technology to meet the higher requirements in terms of water-tightness, corrosion resistance and operation reliabil 由于它的工作环境为三峡坝区水下120~175米,所以该系统采用了位移传感技术与深水防渗技术以满足在水密性、耐腐蚀性和工作可靠性等各方面的较高要求。
As journalists and camera crews looked on, he and a band of rustic confrères tore the place apart. 正当记者与摄影人员们正在一旁观看时,他与他的一群乡野村夫们将这块地方毁于一旦。
As just discussed, organizations normally have three levels of management: first-line managers, middle managers, and top managers. 正如上面所讨论的,组织一般有三个管理层级:基层管理者、中层管理者和高层管理者。
As just someone told me, I haven't seen it yet, that there's a billboard of me in Time Square. 刚刚有人告诉我-我自己还没看到呢-时代广场上有我的一个广告牌。

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