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When words leave off, music begins.

When women cease to handsome, they study to be good. 女人一旦不再漂亮,就会学着向善。
When women go through menopause and their prolactin level drops, a lot of women develop problems with dry eyes or not enough tears. 妇女绝经时,其催乳素就下降,因而很多人会出现干眼病或眼泪不足的毛病。
When wood burns, it generates heat. 木头燃烧时,产生热量。(真有东东产生出来。)
When word got around of this unusual occurrence, he was besieged with requests by the sick to try his diagnoses and curative methods on them. 当这个奇闻传开后,他被闻讯而来的要求替他们看病的病人所包围。
When words don't work, photographs can speak volumes. 当言语无法表达时,照片却可以道尽一切。
When words leave off, music begins. 文字触摸不着时,音乐开始了。
When work is challenging, take a few minutes to delineate the tasks you need to do. 当工作富有挑战性的时候,花点时间把你需要做的工作细化。
When work is duty, life is slavery. 工作是负担时,生活是劳苦的。”
When work is duty,life is slavery! 工作是一种义务时,生活则是一种苦役!
When work units change, the certificate should be returned to the issuer and a new one applied for in the new work place. 外国专家在华期间聘用单位发生变更时,须向发证机关交回原证,并到新聘用单位所在地区发证机关早办新的《外国专家证》。
When working out natural lighting for the kitchen a good rule of thumb is no less than 10% of the kitchen floor area. 制定一个好的自然照明厨房凭经验不少于10%的厨房面积.

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