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Detritus Fragments of dead material, such as leaf litter and products of the breakdown of organic material by decomposers.

Detour. Road under repair. 道路施工,车辆绕行。
Detoxification, toxic blood conditions, septicemia, leukocytosis, all CANCERS (esp. leukemia), AIDS, anemia, syphilis, leprosy, elevated cholesterol, toxic liver and spleen conditions. 排毒、毒血症、败血症、白血病、癌病、爱滋病、贫血、梅毒、麻疯、胆固醇过高、肝毒、脾脏毒等。
Detraction will not suffer it. 毁谤不容许它这样做。
Detractors argue that lingering questions about the innocence of some of the men should prevent them from winning payback. 恶意的批评者辩称,有些被无罪释放的人清白与否尚存疑点,所以不该给他们赔偿。
Detrimental factors will quite likely outweigh the benefits of rising automobile usage . 汽车使用量的增加带来的有害因素很有可能超过它的好处。
Detritus Fragments of dead material, such as leaf litter and products of the breakdown of organic material by decomposers. 碎屑(腐屑):由分解者分解已经死亡的有机物质的而产生的废物。
Detroit has the best pitching staff in the American League and a lineup filled with professional hitters. 老虎对有美联最佳的投手群,以及专业的打线。
Detroit slugger Gary Sheffield has ripped Clemens' pitches in the past, owning a career .533 batting average against The Rocket with one double and two RBIs in 15 at-bats. 老虎强力打者雨刷伯对老克过去有相当优异的打击力,对老克生涯打击率.533其中15个打数有一次二垒安打跟两分打点。
Detroit won its third straight to improve its record to 24-16, tops in the mediocrity-filled Eastern Conference. 此役过后,活塞以一个三连胜重登东部联盟的首位,战绩是24胜16负。
Detroit's success this season can be attributed to two factors: Turnovers and backcourt play. 活塞队今年(对奇才)的好成绩取决于两个重要因素:失误的控制和后场发挥。
Detroit, a city in Michigan, mean cars. 底特律,一个在密西根的城市,意味着汽车。

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