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All tags must be lowercase.

All surgeons should be alert to this phenomenon when they operate on an eyelid tumor. 结论:在一亚热带教学医院眼科之眼睑手术病例中大约有10%为恶性。
All surgical instruments must be sterilized before use. 手术前,所有手术器械必须消毒。
All swift change is in the past. 所有的快速变化都在过去。
All swimmers must shower before entering the pool. 所有游泳者冲淋后,方可进入游泳池。
All systems activate Shadow Devices and proceed to attack coordinates. 所有的系统激活阴影装置,开始协同攻击。
All tags must be lowercase. 所有的标记必须小写。
All talent descriptions refer to fully speccing in that talent. 所有的天赋描述都是完全根据天赋的解释来的。
All tanks used for storage of water or aqueous solutions should be designed and constructed to ensure that they are free draining and cleanable. 所有用于水或水溶液贮藏的贮槽应在设计和建造上确保能够自由排放和清洗。
All taxable items must be listed. Otherwise, what are not found on the declaration form may subject to heavy fines. 所有要扣税的项目都必须列下来.要不然,会被罚以很重的罚金。
All taxi drivers must wear their safe belt, this is compellent. 回复:翻译:所有的出租车司机都必须系安全带,这是强制性的。
All teachers are concerned with my progress of studying. 所有的老师都关心我学习方面的进步.

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