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Such honesty costing her dear, not trusted by mid-America, eventually learning to glad hand voters with the best of them, but failing to shed her image as a loosen calculating.

Such heresies reportedly deterred a number of libraries from acquiring the book. 据传闻,这些异端思想妨碍了相当多的图书馆取得该书。
Such heroic acts are entitled to high praise. 这种英雄之举值得称赞。
Such high speed was considered unusual for a neutron star. 这麽高的速度对中子星来说是很不寻常的。
Such highbrow outfits tend to have small, select clienteles and are constantly trying to broaden their appeal, often by offering discounts and staying open late on Friday and Saturday nights. 那些阳春白雪类的机构倾向于拥有那些数量少的,精选出来的客户,并且通常是通过提供折扣和周五周六晚上推迟打烊,设法持续扩大他们的吸引力。
Such hoists change the power frequency through transducer and the lifting speed and the traveling speed to make the electric hoist travel more smoothly and more accurately. 变频功能型电动葫芦利用变频器使电源频率发生变化,实现电动葫芦起升机构和运行机构的变速,使电动葫芦运行更平稳、定位更准确。
Such honesty costing her dear, not trusted by mid-America, eventually learning to glad hand voters with the best of them, but failing to shed her image as a loosen calculating. 这种坦白令她付出沉重的代价---美国中部地区的选民对她不信任,尽管她终于学会了要尽量赢得选民的欢心,但她留给人们的疏于谋划的印象却难以消除。
Such honesty costing her deep, not trusted by mid-America, eventually learning to glad hand voters with the best of them, but failing to shed her image as a loosen calculating. 这种坦白令她付出沉重的代价---美国中部地区的选民对她不信任,尽管她终于学会了要尽量赢得选民的欢心,但她留给人们的疏于谋划的印象却难以消除。
Such hopes were obviously overly confident. 这些希望,显然过于自信。
Such hot weather makes people feel thirsty. 这样热的天气使人们感到非常的口渴。
Such housing will be extended to all cities and towns by the end of this year. 官方数据显示,去年我国只有291个地级以上城市实施了廉租房制度,到今年年底,所有城市都将建立廉租房制度。
Such humans are also gifted at forgiveness, which fuels ascension forth. 这些人也擅长于宽恕,并会促进提升的前进。

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