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Using LDH release assay to detect cytopathic extent and determine antiviral activity of interferons

Use of Digoxigenin Labelled RNA Probe in Hepatitis D Virus RNA Hybridization 异羟基洋地黄毒甙元(Digoxigenin)标记的RNA探针在丁型肝炎病毒核酸杂交中的应用
Use of Monoclonal Antibodies against Bovine Insulin to Distinguish Different Species of Insulin 用抗牛胰岛素单克隆抗体鉴别不同种属胰岛素
Use of colloidal gold probes in studies of the expression of viral antigens in the liver of individuals with chronic asymptomatic hepatitis B virus infection 胶体金法观察慢性无症状乙型肝炎病毒感染者肝组织内病毒抗原的表达
Using IL-2 dependent cell line-CTLL, we have assayed the biologic activity of human recombinant interleukin-2 (rIL-2) from saccharomyces cerevisiae (S.C.) 利用IL-2依赖细胞系CTLL检测酵母菌系统表达的人rIL-2生物活性。
Using Key-point Control and Feedback Regulation to Improve the Quality of the Experimental Courses in Microbiology 采用关键点控制和反馈调节,提高微生物学实验课质量
Using LDH release assay to detect cytopathic extent and determine antiviral activity of interferons 用LDH释放法判断细胞病变程度确定干扰素生物活性
Using interphase FISH,abnormalities of immunoglobulin heavy chain gene (IGH) were detected in 6/44 (13.6%) and 83/162 (51.2%) in the HL and NHL cases,respectively,while none was observed in 11 cases with a benign disease (P<0.001). 间期FISH结果显示,HL的免疫球蛋白重链基因(IGH)异常的发生率为13.6%(6/44),NHL为51.2%(83/162),良性病变为0% (0/11),差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。
Using ofloxacin-terbium (Tb 3+ ) as fluorescent probe, the interaction between ofloxacin-Tb 3+ and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was investigated by fluorescence and absorption spectra. 以氧氟沙星 铽 (Tb3+ )作为荧光探针 ,利用荧光光谱、吸收光谱研究了氧氟沙星 铽 (Tb3+ )络合物与脱氧核糖核酸 (DNA)的相互作用。
Using the leaves of walnut as the experimental materials,the genomic DNA extraction of four methods namely high salt and low pH,SDS,modified CTAB and Paterson' method was compared. 以核桃叶片为材料,比较了高盐低pH法、SDS法、改良CTAB法和适合酚类、多糖类物质较多的植物DNA提取法提取基因组DNA的效果;
Using the single-step RNA isolation method,following by the Northem Blot and Dot Blot analysis,it was found that GZF could elevate the reduced amount of IL-2 mRNA of spleen in the above immnunosuppressive mice. 用一步法抽提核糖核酸(RNA),经核糖核酸印迹法(Northem Blot)和斑点印迹法(Dot blot)分析,表明 GZ 可提高上述免疫抑制小鼠脾脏减少的白细胞介素-2信使核糖核酸(IL-2mRNA)量。
Utilization of Two Invasive Cancer Cell Model Systems in vitro and in vivo in the Study of invasion Mechanism of Cancer Cells 体内外侵袭模型系统在癌细胞侵袭机制研究中的应用

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