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The birth of a baby penguin in the zoo was widely reported.

The birth and death of the leaves are the rapid whirls of the eddy whose wider circles move slowly among stars. 绿叶的生与死乃是旋风的急骤的旋转,它的更广大的旋转的圈子乃是在天上繁星之间徐缓的转动。
The birth and death of the leaves are the rapid whirls of the eddy whose wider ircles move slowly among stars. 绿叶的生与死乃是旋风的急骤的旋转,它的更广大的旋转的圈子乃是在天上繁星之间徐缓的转动。
The birth and development of the Northern Anhui folk beliefs are directly associated with frequent natural disasters, continuous wars and rampant bandits and has such positive functions as moralization, spiritual maintenance, and social integration. 摘要皖北地区民间信仰的产生和发展与历史上自然灾害频发、战争不断和土匪猖獗等因素有直接关系,种类多、影响大,具有道德教化、精神维系和社会事整合等正面功能。
The birth and founding of Buddhism is Buddha's teachings after he comprehended the truth about the universe and life, As early as it was born and founded, the meanings of Buddhism were already well rounded, its thoughts already established, its theories c 由于佛教的产生与成立,是佛陀对于宇宙人生的真理之智觉完成后的教示,故它的香生之初、成立之始,法义就已经圆满,思想就已经确立,理论就已经完备,是非就已经定案;是故它并不是佛陀的成长过程之记录,也不是释迦牟尼佛一生的思想发展演变过程之记载,更不是某种宗教思想理论的发展过程或是其部份。
The birth of Dolly has stormed the whole human society. 多利羊的出生在整个人类社会掀起轩然大波?
The birth of a baby penguin in the zoo was widely reported. 动物园里小企鹅的出生受到了广泛的报道。
The birth of a boy, who will be third in line after his uncle and his father, is likely to dampen debate on letting women inherit the throne . 这名男婴的皇位继承顺位仅次于他的叔叔(皇太子)和父亲(文仁秋筱宫亲王),成为第三皇位继承人。而他的出生也终于可以让有关“女性继承王位”的争论偃旗息鼓。
The birth of it leads to a fundamental change in epistemology, view of nature and view of history. 马克思主义哲学的诞生在哲学史上导致了认识论、自然观和历史观的根本变革。
The birth of the PC liberated users from their “dumb terminals” linked to giant mainframe computers. 现在出现了所谓摆脱PC束缚的用户,他们通过自己的“哑终端”(译注5)联网到大型电脑主机。
The birth of the theory of relativity and the quantum theory early this century, the breakthrough in the semi-conductor technology in the 1950s and the discovery of the double spiral structure of DNA have set off a round of geometrical development of scie 本世纪前期相对论和量子论的诞生,50年代半导体技术的突破和脱氧核糖核酸双螺旋结构的发现,引发了世界科学技术的迅猛发展。
The birth of twins put pressure on them to find a bigger flat. 他们生了双胞胎,不得不寻找一套较大的住房。

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