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The choice between two mutually exclusive possibilities.

The chlorine from salt is used for bleaching paper and textiles. 用食盐制取的氯被用来漂白纸张和纺织品。
The chocolate coating has all been licked off the cream buns. 奶油小面包外面的一层巧克力都被舔光了。
The chocolate sundae really hit the spot! 那巧克力圣代的口味真是恰到好处!
The chocolate was 110 degrees, hotter than a hot tub, said Capt. Greg Sinnen of the Kenosha Fire Department. 据知情人士介绍,这些巧克力当时的温度达到摄氏110度,比洗澡用的热水还要烫。
The chocolates on the plate stimulated my son to calculate. 盘子里的巧克力鼓励了儿子进行计算.
The choice between two mutually exclusive possibilities. 两者择一,抉择对两个互相排斥的可能情况的选择
The choice depending on whether the condition is true or false. 选择取决于条件是真还是假。
The choice facing the company is simple: diversify or go bankrupt. 摆在公司面前的道路不难选择:要麽进行多种经营,要麽破产.
The choice facing the company is simple: diversify or go bankrupt. 摆在公司面前的道路不难选择: 要麽进行多种经营, 要麽破产.
The choice is between reform and revival or decline and decay. 摆在欧盟领导人面前的有两人路,一条是改革和复苏,一条是衰落与式微。
The choice is no longer in their disposition . 选择权已不在他们手中了。

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