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Case reports are presented which strongly suggest an anti-tumor effect of a whey protein dietary supplement in some urogenital cancers.

Case in point: The growing threat of malware infections. 例证:正在增长的恶意软件感染的威胁。
Case in point: that capacity could be used to securely upload third-party software that would permit the phone to link to a free wireless local-area network (WLAN). 以上述例子来说,我们可以用这些运算能力来安全传送协力厂商软体,让行动电话连接到免费的WLAN。
Case management, Discourse analysis, social work. 个案管理、论述分析、社会工作。
Case of the main movable components can all be taken off and washed, but only suited to dry cleaning. 主要活动部位的布套均可拆洗,但仅适合干洗。
Case refer constitutes breach of contract beyond dispute necessary step request your side. 很明显此事属违约行为,望你方准备采取必要的行动。
Case reports are presented which strongly suggest an anti-tumor effect of a whey protein dietary supplement in some urogenital cancers. 泌尿生殖系统肿瘤之病例报告强烈提示应用乳浆蛋白膳食补助具有抗肿瘤效果。
Case studies of urban and rural Mainland Chinese were used to determine classifications of guanxi (social relations) in the Chinese cultural and social context. 摘要本文采用个案研究方法,获得了农村与城市人关系分类及其解释的实征资料。
Case studies ranging from cleaning up toxic waste pollution to endangered species protection probe the clashes between science and politics at local, state, and federal levels. 个案研究範围由毒性废弃物污染清除到濒临绝种物种保护,深入探讨科学与政治在地方、州政府及联邦层级的利益冲突。
Case studies will be used to allow the attendees to go through various situations to familiarize themselves how to spot problems and make lending decisions. 通过案例讨论的方法,使参加者通过不同的情形去学习如何识别问题,作出决定。
Case study indicated that the model is simple and effective. 该研究成果为膜孔灌溉理论与技术的进一步研究奠定了基础。
Case study method of instruction emphasizes participation in class discussion. 透过案例教学(案例研究)的方式,鼓励学生参与相关问题讨论。

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