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Shop assistant: Medicine for cold generally contains ingredients of analgesia,antitussive or that can reduce hyperemia of nasal cavity.Forexample Baijiahei with the main ingredinent of paracetamol(antipyretic)and analgesia,pseudoephedrine hydrochloride,de

Shop assistant: As far as I know, the reasons might be a poor cycleof blood and loss of energy, an unsmooth flow of blood or exercisingvigorously during menstruation, or an attack of the cold. 店员:据我所知,可能的原因一般有气血循环差,经血运行不畅,经期剧烈运动、受风湿寒冷侵袭等。
Shop assistant: Does your wife have coronary heart disease? Or high blood pressure? 店员:您老伴血压高吗?有冠心病吗?
Shop assistant: Hello! Come in please! 店员:您好!请进。
Shop assistant: Hello! What can I do for you? 店员:您好,请问我能给您提供什么帮助?
Shop assistant: How about this one? 营业员:你看这个款式如何?
Shop assistant: Medicine for cold generally contains ingredients of analgesia,antitussive or that can reduce hyperemia of nasal cavity.Forexample Baijiahei with the main ingredinent of paracetamol(antipyretic)and analgesia,pseudoephedrine hydrochloride,de 店员:因为市场上的感冒药一般都包含解热镇痛、镇咳、减轻鼻腔充血的成分,比如,白加黑的主要成分是对乙酰氨基酚(解热镇痛成分)、盐酸伪麻黄碱、氢溴酸右美沙芬(镇咳成分);感康中还含有金刚烷胺(抗病毒成分)。
Shop assistant: No, but we have some kind of healthcare food product. 店员:没有。不过有几种用于减肥的保健食品。
Shop assistant: No, he is Japanese. 售货员:不是,是日本人。
Shop assistant: Please follow me! 店员:请您跟我来吧。
Shop assistant: She has dyspepsia. I think lactasin will be useful. 店员:我想她是消化不良了。您给她吃些“乳酶生”吧,应该会有效果的。
Shop assistant: Welcome to DDCAT! What can I do for you? 营业员:欢迎观临叮当猫!有什么可以帮你的呢?

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