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Because of the important role rural economy plays in the development of national economy, creating sound ecological environment in rural China has become an urgent affair in its economic development.

Because of the homology of creative and content industries, rivalry has entered an era where investment is based on eyeballs and attention. 与创意产业与内容产业相对应,当代世界进入了一个眼球经济与注意力经济的时代。
Because of the housing shortage many couples had to double up in one tiny apartment. 因为房屋不够,许多夫妻必须在一间小得可怜的公寓里挤一挤。
Because of the huge number, especially of mimetic words, there are not a equivalent part of speech in Chinese, which makes it difficult for Chinese learners of Japanese. 但是由于它的数量很多,尤其是拟态词,在汉语中并没有一个与之完全对应的词类,因此,是学习日语的一大难点。
Because of the image's ambiguity and partiality, we should focus our attention on the reconstruction of the teacher's professional image, and figure out the epoch characteristic, thus construct a new teacher's professional image with professional-self at 应当著眼于教师职业本身对教师职业形象进行重新定位,在教师职业基本形象的基础上探求教师职业形象的时代特徵,进而构建以专业自我为核心的教师专业形象。
Because of the imperfectness in cognition, systems, supervision, etc, there exist currently in giving publicity to collegiate affairs some phenomena such as abnormity, unreality and casualness. 推动校务公开在高校深入开展,要从健全机构、完善制度、加强监督等环节构建长效机制。
Because of the important role rural economy plays in the development of national economy, creating sound ecological environment in rural China has become an urgent affair in its economic development. 农村经济在整个国民经济的发展中占有举足轻重的地位,创造良好的农村生态环境已成为农村经济发展的当务之急。
Because of the improved RBF and wavelet multi-scaling edge detecting were used in each network, the network structure was simplified much. 由于每个网络采用改进的径向基神经网络优化隐含节点数,利用小波多尺度边缘检测方法提取输入信号的特征值以简化输入节,点数,网络结构得到极大简化。
Because of the incompletion of the audit contract, the scientific institutions arrangements are needed to ensure the realization of the property right performance. 不完备的审计契约需要科学的制度安排来确保审计契约的产权绩效。
Because of the increased transmitting paths of audio channels in broadcast stations, the key problems are to discover the malfunctions in time and to perform the emergency procedures. 摘要随着广播电台节目路数的增多,特别是一些大型电台,及时发现播出故障并实施应急措施日益成为日常工作的重点和难点。
Because of the individual difference, there is difference in the result that each person shows, but generally the users look 1 - 8 years younger on the whole in the gloss of skin and esp. the spirit. 由于个体差异,每人显示的效果有不同,但是普遍从精神、皮肤的光泽等整体上感觉年轻1-8岁。
Because of the influence of climate undulation and desertification, this area gradually formed diversified economic types which had principal extensive agriculture and auxiliary hunting, fishing, gathering during the period of Hongshan Culture. 受气候波动及沙地的影响,红山文化时期逐渐在这一地区形成了撂荒轮作式粗放型农业为主.渔猎、采集为辅的多样化经济模式。

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