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The courses I completed are marketing,business law,business English,statistics,marketing principles,sales management,distribution theory,economics and psychology.

The course will encompass physics, chemistry and biology. 课程将包括物理、化学和生物学。
The course will focus on current transport-related themes confronting many cities in the region, including: rapid motorization and suburbanization and subsequent impacts on transportation infrastructure and quality of life; public sector management and im 课程将着重于该地区城市目前面对的运输相关主题,包括∶迅速的汽车化和郊区化,和其对运输基础设施和生活质量的影响;管理公共运输部门及改进私人经营的交通运输系统之道;运输所造成之空气污染问题及其可能的解决方法。
The course withdrawal policies are implemented to enable students who are in exceptional situations to withdraw from a course during the semester. 一、本校为顾及学生于学期中发生特殊情况,致当学期部份课程无法继续修习,特订定停修课程办法。
The course's scholarship troop consists of one special engaged professor of the Yangtse River scholar, one person of national outstanding youth fund gainer, the doctor tutor's 6 people, the professor's 11 people, the associate professor's(senior engineer) 该学科学术队伍中包括长江学者特聘教授1名,国家杰出青年基金获得者1人,博士生导师6人,教授11人,副教授(高级工程师)10人。
The coursebooks, which my colleagues found very interesting, were useless for me. 这些教科书对我没用,我的同事却觉得非常有趣。
The courses I completed are marketing,business law,business English,statistics,marketing principles,sales management,distribution theory,economics and psychology. 我修过的课程有:市场营销、商业法、商务英语、统计学、营销原理、销售管理、商品配销理论,经济学和心理学。
The courses also include physical and creative activities. 此课程也包括体能和创意活动。
The courses include Politics, Chinese, Mathematics, English, Information technology and application, Physical education and health care, Art appreciation, Mechanical drafting, Land laws, Architectural drawing, Land economy, Ecology and environment, Land m 开设有政治、语文、数学、英语、信息技术与应用、体育与保健、艺术欣赏、机械制图、土地法学、建筑制图、土地经济、生态与环境、土地测量、土地资源、办公自动化、土地规划、建筑概论、房地产经营、现代物业管理、建设用地、土地统计等课程。
The courses include Politics, Chinese, Mathematics, English, Information technology and application, Physical education and health care, Art appreciation, Overview of cuisine, Nutrition and sanitation of food, Civil aviation English, Overview of aviation, 开设有政治、语文、数学、英语、信息技术与应用、体育与保健、艺术欣赏、烹饪概论、食品营养卫生、民航英语、航空概论、办公自动化、菜点酒水知识、航空商务英语、日语基础、烹饪英语、公关与商务礼仪、商务函电与写作、电子商务、航空餐饮服务、自我形象设计等课程。
The courses include Politics, Chinese, Mathematics, English, Information technology and application, Physical education and health care, Art appreciation, Overview of cuisine, Processing of cooking material, Nutrition and sanitation of food, Overview of a 开设有政治、语文、数学、英语、信息技术与应用、体育与保健、艺术欣赏、烹饪概论、烹饪原料加工技术、食品营养卫生、航空概论、烹饪美术、菜点酒水知识、中餐烹调技术、餐饮成本核算、烹饪英语、西餐烹调技术、面点制作技术等课程。
The courses include Politics, Chinese, Mathematics, English, Information technology and application, Physical education and health care, Art appreciation, Preliminary accounting, Management of transport enterprises, Overview of logistics, Financial manage 开设有政治、语文、数学、英语、信息技术与应用、体育与保健、艺术欣赏、基础会计、运输企业管理、物流学概论、统计学原理、成本会计、财政与税收、办公自动化、运输企业会计、财务管理、经济法基础、仓储与运输、会计电算化、国际贸易实务、报关实务、会计模拟等课程。

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