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How was it then reckoned? when he was in circumcision, or in uncircumcision? Not in circumcision, but in uncircumcision.

How was Reagan's strategy supposed to work in theory? 理论上雷根的计划应该会发挥什么效用?
How was it possible to maintain so comfortable a life with such meager resources? 入项菲薄,怎供得起大家这么称意的生活?
How was it possible to walk for an hour through the woods and see nothing worthy of note? 在树林中走了一个小时而没有见到什么值得注意的东西,这怎么可能呢?
How was it possible to walk for an hour through the woods and see nothing worthy of note? 在树林中走了一个小时而没有见到什麽值得注意的东西,这怎麽可能呢?
How was it possible, I asked myself, to walk for an hour through the woods and see nothing worthy of note? 我独自一人,在林子里散步一小时之久而没有看到任何值得注意的东西,那怎么可能呢?
How was it then reckoned? when he was in circumcision, or in uncircumcision? Not in circumcision, but in uncircumcision. 10是怎吗算的呢。是在他受割礼的时候呢。是在他未受割礼的时候呢。不是在受割礼的时候,乃是在未受割礼的时候。
How was sickle cell disease first noted? 镰状细胞病最初是如何发现?
How was the ball game last? 球赛结果怎么样?
How was the candidate rated on overall performance in relation to his job responsibilities? 就他的工作职责而言,你会如何评价候选人的整体表现?
How was the exam, Richard? 考试考得怎样,理查德?
How was the examination,Dick?-Not too bad. 考试的情况怎么样,迪克?-不太坏。

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