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Goofy is not a very good cook.

Goodwill and indicative mark are of meaning-signal relationship and their integration leads to a breakthrough in legal system. 商誉与识别性标识是意义与符号的关系,两者的整合导致了制度规则的突破。
Goodwill is a special intellectual property right in terms of nature, exclusiveness and space-time quality. 商誉是极为特殊的知识产权,在性质、专有性、时空性等方面具有较为独特的品格。
Goodwill is an invisible asset to a business. 友好关系对于一桩生意来 说是一种无形的资产.
Goodwill, which can help overcome market failurein reality of information asymmetry, is the result of credit seeking and practicing. 摘要商誉是信息不对称的现实中,为克服“市场失灵”而对信用追求与践行的结果。
Goofy can run fast. Goofy can walk fast. Goofy can jump high. 高飞可以跑得很快。高飞可以走得很快。高飞可以跳得很高。
Goofy is not a very good cook. 高飞不是个好厨师。
Goofy plays golf. Goofy plays tennis. 高飞打高尔夫球。高飞打网球。
Goog good study ,day day up! 好好学习天天向上!
Google Earth combines the power of Google Search with satellite imagery, maps, terrain and 3D buildings to put the world's geographic information at your fingertips. 这软体蛮有趣的可以让你增对每个国家的某个地图做搜寻,画面也可以用3D的上呈现,当教学或增长知识都是款很棒的软体!
Google Earth parctises those function mainly through visiting areospace and satellite picture enlarged database of Keyhole. 该数据库在上星期进行了更新,它含有美国宇航局提供的大量地形数据,未来还将覆盖更多的地形,涉及田园,荒地等。
Google Inc, the most-used search engine, will buy a stake in Xunlei Networking Technology Co Ltd, a Chinese peer-to-peer file sharing network operator. 谷歌,使用最多的搜索引擎,计划购买讯雷网络技术有限公司的股份,一家中国点对点文件共享网络经营者。

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