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Once cooled, the plaster mold is carefully broken to reveal the limpid product.

Once common functions are written in assembly language they could then be copied into a new program without having to be written again. 一旦用汇编语言来编写公用程序,它们就不必重新书写而可被复制到新的程序中去。
Once completely cooled, the rocks retain their orientation and are no longer susceptible to magnetism. 一旦岩石完全冷却下来,岩石保持了它们的原有方向不再受磁力线影响。
Once conform ,once do what other people do finer than they do it, and a lethargy steals over all the finer nerves and faculties of the soul. 一旦循规蹈矩,一旦人为亦为,呆滞就笼罩着灵魂中一切灵敏的神经和官能。
Once cooked, remove the foil and turn out the pudding. 做熟以后,剥去锡箔纸,将布丁扣在盘中。
Once cooking is finished, pour in a bowl, cover with plastic wrap and leave to cool. 当米熟透后即可取出放入碗内以保鲜膜覆盖待凉。
Once cooled, the plaster mold is carefully broken to reveal the limpid product. 降温之后,取出的石膏模型必须进行细致小心地拆模,清洗后,晶莹剔透的作品就初现玲珑了。
Once correct flow rate setting has been established, slide memory screw counter-clockwise towards closed side of indicator plate until memory stop ring hits indicator plate. 一旦确定正确的流量设置,则将记忆螺丝朝着指示器板的关闭位置逆时针方向旋转,直到记忆止动环触到指示器板为止。
Once created, they are stationary, and can be destroyed or moved only by spells; gusts of wind (even magical ones) and physical attacks do not affect them. 一旦被创造出来,它们就固定不动,只能通过法术来破坏或移除;狂风(即使是魔法制造出来的风)和物理攻击不会对其产生影响。
Once day,Plato asked his teacher,Socrates,What is LOVE? 有一天,柏拉图问老师苏格拉底什么是爱情?
Once device is started, shut down as less as possible to ensure enough circulatory time. 一旦开机后尽量少停机,以保证足够长的循环时间。
Once diagnosed with diabetes, those from poorer communities also suffer from a deficiency in follow-up care, with a lower likelihood of blood-pressure monitoring, tests of levels of glucose in blood and checks for complications such as retinopathy and neu 一旦被诊断为糖尿病,来自贫穷社区的人又要遭受缺少继续护理的痛苦,他们较少接受血压监测、血糖水平测定以及相关并发症的检查(例如视网膜病和神经系统疾病,两者分别可以导致失明和截肢)。

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