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This provides a theoretical and practical basis for the popularization of foam complex flooding.

This provided insights into the underlying cause of decay, disease, deformity, insanity along with slavery as through-form that is expressed in the human dance as well as in nature. 这提供了对潜在衰退、疾病、残疾、精神失常以及奴役思想形态致因的洞见,那是在人类舞蹈以及大自然中所表达的。
This provided the academic elements for Liu Zaifu's researching on subjectivity. 这为刘再复的主体性提供了理论基础。
This provided the opportunity for the rediscoveryof ancient cultures and treasures along the trade routes. 这就为“重新发现”古代文化和由丝绸之路而来的珍宝提供了机会。
This provides a helpful reference for developing a better costing system with high adaptability. 为开发出适应性强的成本核算系统提供了有用的参考。
This provides a significant roadblock to innovation and help for this is very much welcome. 这为创新设置了一个严重的障碍,非常欢迎在这个问题上的帮助。
This provides a theoretical and practical basis for the popularization of foam complex flooding. 为泡沫复合驱的进一步推广打下了良好的理论和实践基础。
This provides an outlet for the satirist and there are thousands of online wits doing their own websites which poke fun at or highlight the weird stories in contemporary China. 这给了爱好讽刺的人一个宣泄途径,数千个人有他们自己的网站,来嘲笑或使当今中国的各种怪异故事更醒目。
This provides for economies of scale and low production costs that cannot be matched by other local producers. 由此形成的规模经济和低生产成本是其它当地生产商不可匹敌的。
This provides gratifying experiences and enlightenment to our mass culture construction. 他的成功为我们的大众文化建设提供了可贵的经验与启示。
This provides interested parties guidelines for more empirical research. 藉此提供对组织内部影响有兴趣者未來实证研究之方向。
This provides the enemy with a smaller target, protects the more vulnerable parts of the vehicle from enemy fire, and allows the vehicle to fire more or less unhindered. 这样敌人就只能获取一个很小的目标,以保护其他易受攻击的部位,同时载具可以攻击掩体后面的敌军。

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