There I got a dinner; and, while I was eating, several questions were asked me, as, from my youth and appearance, I was suspected of being a runaway.
在这里我用过饭,正在吃的时候,他用狡猾的口气盘问著我,由于我的年轻和外貌上似乎是有点可疑,像个私自逃出来的人。 |
There I met a friend, fishing .
我在那里遇见我的一个朋友,他在钓鱼。 |
There I saw a diamond shaped craft and was taken on board.
在那里我看见了钻石形状的飞行器并被带到飞碟内。 |
There I was inundated with a mass of symbolism.
我被大量的象征符号所包围。 |
There I would enjoy the peace and quiet, watch the water rush downstream, and listen to the chirps of birds and the rustling of leaves in the trees.
在那里,我可以尽情地享受这份恬静和闲适,看着向下游奔涌的河水,倾听鸟鸣和树叶的“沙沙”声。 |
There Prometheus hung on the rock for hundreds of years.
普罗米修斯就这样被绑在石头上好几百年。 |
There Rosing recently detected the light carbon biosignature in rocks that he argues experienced a mere migraine compared with Akilia's hellish past.
它是位于阿基利亚东北方约180公里处的伊苏瓦,罗辛最近在那里侦测到轻碳生物印记。 |
There Ted found his beloved Brownie alive, one of his hind legs crushed in a steel leghold trap.
在那里,特德发现他心爱的布朗尼还活着,一条后腿被一个钢制捕捉器夹着。 |
There `s time when we shoot at the sea after that bin and haekyo…three of us had a supper ,she was depressed.
有一次我们拍海边的戏,拍完后元彬,慧乔和我三个一起吃晚餐,慧乔一直不开心…. |
There a centurion's servant, whom his master valued highly, was sick and about to die.
2有一个百夫长所宝贵的仆人,害病快要死了。 |
There a mother and her children were waiting anxiously for someone.
那里有一位母亲和她的孩子们正在焦急地等候一个人。 |