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It is a long time since my last visit,said Dumbledore, peering down his crooked nose at Uncle Vernon. I must say, your agapanthus are flourishing.

It is a chain reaction. Yesterday's killing was a very high-profile killing, and we were apprehensive of the backlash, which happened more quickly than we expected. 这是个连锁反应.昨天的暗杀有鲜明姿态,我们理解它的强烈反响,它比我们预期的还来的快.
It is a fascinating and beautiful competition. “这是一个刺激和美妙的联赛。”
It is a gated community,with a security guard at the gate and surveillance cameras, she said, adding you have to use a special key to get in. 这是一个大门和安装有监控录像机的公寓社区。你必须持有特殊的钥匙方可进入大楼。除非你认识里面的人。
It is a grave mistake to theorize before one has data. 在掌握足够资料之前建立理论会导致严重的错误。
It is a little incident if we compare it with the disasters that have happened in Iraq,said Ranya Riyad, 19, a college student in Baghdad. We are dying every day. 「如果我们在伊拉克发生的惨剧相比,这真是小巫见大巫,」巴格达19岁的大学生兰雅.利亚德说。「我们每天都在死人。」
It is a long time since my last visit,said Dumbledore, peering down his crooked nose at Uncle Vernon. I must say, your agapanthus are flourishing. “我上次来过以后,已经有很长时间了。”邓布利多的目光从鹰钩鼻上望着弗农姨父,“必须承认,你的百子莲开得很茂盛。”
It is a market we have researched extensively over the last three years,said Sir Terry. 特里爵士说:“过去三年,我们广泛调查这个市场。”
It is a momentous day for the football club,he says. It is without doubt the biggest deal in our history and one that we are all very excited about. 他在执掌厄普敦公园之后操作了多次重量级转会。但是没有一次比得上这次引人两人的动作。他表示俱乐部将因此上一个档次。
It is a one-horse palanquin,said the old gentleman, who was a wag in his way. 她只是沐浴在他的感情的温煦之中,像是一个挨冷受冻的人喜逢熊熊的炉火。
It is a pity that father is dead. To be frank, some of his ideas are quite good.at the age of 55. 五十五岁的时候:很遗憾,父亲已经去世了。坦率地讲,他的有些主意的确不错。
It is a pity we don't play Manchester United - it would be much better to play them now and have the chance to reduce the difference from six to three - after that everything would be open. “遗憾的是我们没有对战曼联——现在和他们比赛可能更好,我们有机会将差距减小到3分——这样什么事情都好办了。”

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