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Beijing's only current means of destroying or disabling a satellite, however, would be to launch a ballistic missile or space launch vehicle armed with a nuclear weapon.

Beijing zhili Packing Material Corporation was founded in 2001,and is an enterprise specialized in research, development and prroduction of honeycomb paper element,homeycomb cardboard and deeply-processed products(pallet,lining and pacoing box,etc.). 北京支屴包装材料有限公司成立于2001年,是一家专业从事研发生产蜂窝纸芯、蜂窝纸板及深加工产品(托盘、内衬、包装箱等)的企业。
Beijing's Fourth Ring Road is crossed by the city's eight expressways and forms with them a high-speed,both circular and radiating road network. 北京四环路项目把进出北京的八条高速公路联系在一起,形成了“环状加辐射”型的高速公路网。
Beijing's ability to pressure Pyongyang and mediate the six-party talks is key in the US regional approach to North Korea. 北京对平壤施压以及在六方会谈中斡旋的能力是美国解决朝核问题的地区策略中的关键因素。
Beijing's call on foreigners to get a look at Chinese farmers living in squalor is also a sign of China's growing self-assurance. 北京开放广大的农村让外国人参访,也显示中国与日俱增的自信。
Beijing's efforts to support its ailing stock market range from incremental to ineffectual. 中国政府为支撑其病怏怏的股市实行的各项措施从渐进式到毫无成效的努力都有。
Beijing's only current means of destroying or disabling a satellite, however, would be to launch a ballistic missile or space launch vehicle armed with a nuclear weapon. 无论怎样,目前北京破坏或瘫痪卫星的唯一办法,可能就是将一枚装有核武器的弹道导弹和运载火箭发射到太空中。
Beijing's patience with Mr Tung had probably run-out. 可能北京政府对董建华已失去耐性。
Beijing's police are scheduled to launch its first ever virtual police patrol mission on leading web portals in the city starting September 1st, The Beijing News reports. 据北京新闻报道,北京警方计划从9月1日起开始对该市主要门户网站执行首次虚拟警察巡逻任务。
Beijing's registered residents may notice that hiring good help is getting pricier. 有北京城市户口的居民也许会注意到,雇个好帮手的价格正在变得越来越不菲。
Beijing's success in winning the right to host the 2008 Olympic Games shows the world's recognition and trust of China. 北京获得2008奥运会的举办权是世界对中国的认同和信任。
Beijing's success, economically, will be as big a boost to Beijing as it was in the run up to the Games in Tokyo in 1964, and Seoul in 1988. 北京申奥的成功,从经济上来说,将是一个极大的促进,正如1964年的东京奥运会和1988年的汉城奥运会带来的经济腾飞。

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