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The button type adopted maked the adjustment of stitch length simple and easy.

The butterfly is an innocent insect. 蝴蝶是一种无害的昆虫。
The butterfly lighted on a leaf. 那蝴蝶落在一片叶子上。
The butterfly then emerged easily. 这样,蝴蝶就轻易地从茧中脱出来了。
The butterfly was bornin the early 1950's as a loophole in the breaststroke rules and in 1956 became an Olympic event in Melbourne, Australia. 早在1950年蝶泳就作为一种枪眼(望孔)"诞生"在蛙泳规则之中,接着在1956年澳大利亚的摩尔本成为一项奥林匹克比赛。
The button on my coat came unfastened. 我大衣上的扣子脱了。
The button type adopted maked the adjustment of stitch length simple and easy. 由于采用了按钮式,使针距长度的调节变的简单易行。
The button utters in mutter, The butterfly likes the buttered earthnut/peanut. 按钮咕哝着发出声音说:蝴蝶喜欢涂了奶油的花生.
The button was pushed, the doors slid magically open, and the great onyx bath glided in stately silence into the room. But in it sat the millionaire\'s astonished wife. 这商人就按了一下键钮,房门神奇地打开了,那个硕大的缟玛瑙浴缸就雍容肃穆地滑进房间。但是浴缸里面却坐着正在沐浴的惊惶失措的富商太太。
The buttons of Post/Reply only can be seen after login. 只有登录以后才能见到发表话题/回复话题的按钮。
The buttons on his ragged shirt and coat were about to burst. 他破旧的衬衫和外衣上的纽扣快要绷开了。
The buttons were fastened up. 那些扣子扣牢了。

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