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After the pickfinding action has been started,the pickfinding claw discs are not disengaged.

After the perdition of the North Song Dynasty, the round image of the moon and its cultural meaning of reunion were emphasized. 在北宋灭亡的背景下,中秋月的“团圆”特徵及其象徵意义被凸显和强调。
After the performance long-term accumulation, the company has formed own unique performance style, the technical service standard and the remarkable profession superiority, each party completed from the first draft creativity to the implementation, passes 经过演出活动的长期积累,公司已形成了自己独特的演艺风格、技术服务标准和显著的行业优势,每台晚会从初稿创意到实施完成,经过了多次研讨和专家验证,无论是演出主题的确立、演艺人员的筛选、演出设备的设置、演出现场的精心安排,均能折射出公司同仁们精艺求精、力求完美的敬业精神和打造文艺精品、客户需求至上的服务理念。
After the performance, an analysis of the events is presented to an heterogeneous audience. 在表现后,制作人对各种各样的观众,分析有关事件。
After the performance, several participants spoke to this writer to describe how the frantic act of taking the money off of a crippled human made them think about the unfairness of the current situation of economics, most notably how capitalism ignores, e 之后,一些有参与的人告诉笔者,这个在残障人士身上抢钱的疯狂举动,让他们思考当前的经济不公现象,特别是资本主义是如何地忽视、剥削及压榨底层的阶级。
After the period for the exemption and reduction of enterprise income tax ends, foreign investment enterprises with export proportion reaching 70% or more may pay enterprise income tax at a reduced rate of 10%. 在正常的减免期后,出口比例达到或超过总产值70%的外商投资企业可按10%的税率缴纳企业所得税。
After the pickfinding action has been started,the pickfinding claw discs are not disengaged. 在找纬开始之后,找纬爪盘没有脱开.
After the pillow fight, another battle started. People blew balloons, tied them on legs, and then bumped against each other to burst pop the balloons. 枕头大战结束,另一场搏斗接着开场。人们吹大气球之后把它们绑在腿上,然后相互挤撞,让那些气球砰然爆破。
After the pilot landed the plane on an isolated runway at the New Delhi airport, passengers called waiting relatives by cellular phone, many of them unaware of reports of a hijacking. 当飞行员把飞机降落在新德里机场一条隔离的跑道上后,乘客们纷纷用手机给等候的亲人打电话报平安,他们中的很多人对劫机传闻一无所知.
After the placement of an implant, the osseointegration process may last anywhere from two to six months. 植体置入后,与骨槽的融合时间需两个月至六个月。
After the plane right-angled mirror reflects the on-the- screen pictures and small fluorescent balls time and again, viewers may observe a huge ball-shaped TV screen and a large number of jumping balls, thus displaying the harmony of the movement of the m 平面直角镜将屏幕上的画面和荧光小球经多次反射后,从观察口可以看到一个巨大的球形电视屏和众多跳动的小球,表现出大自然微观世界运动的和谐。
After the planer starts, don't stand in front of the ram, don't wear the gloves while operating and don't move the part arbitrarily. 开动刨床后,不要站在滑枕的前方,操作时不得戴手套,不要随意拨动机件。

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