Baker J. Theory and practice of precision attachment removable partial dentures.St louis: Mosby, 1981.
冯海兰附着体在牙列缺损修复中的应用中国口腔医学年鉴第7卷321. |
Baker approaches the chair umpire and argne with him) Can you tell me why?
(贝克上前与主裁争辩)为什么,能给我解释一下吗? |
Baker loathed going to this red-haired young pup for supplies.
面包师傅不喜欢去这个红头发的自负的傻小子那里拿原料。 |
Baker, J. S., and Fricke L. B., Traffic Accident In ves ti ga tion Manual, North west ern University Traffic Institute, 1986.
王莹伟、丁国梁,「影响处理应用于肇事现场带状区资料的重现」,中华民国运输学会第七届论文研讨会论文集,1994。 |
Baker, Paula. The Domestication of Politics: Women and American Political Society, 1780-1920.American Historical Review. (June 1984).
政治的驯服:1780-1920年妇女和美国政治社会〉,《美国历史评论》(1984年六月)。 |
Baker, R. T. In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000.
张培基等,《英汉翻译教程》。上海:上海外语教育出版社,2001。 |
Baker: A surprise. Maybe. But you just put on your pajamas and robe,and I'll think of a surprise.
一个惊喜,也许是。你先把这睡衣裤穿上, 我来想出一个惊喜。 |
Baker: I have to think about it.
我得想一想。 |
Baker: OK. Do you want to get better?
好。你想把病治好吗? |
Bakers from the central Italian town of Orentano showed their true love for Ferrari on Sunday when they unveiled an entire racing car that's ready to eat.
本周日,来自意大利中部城镇奥兰塔诺的一群面包师充分展现了他们对法拉利车的热爱——他们向人们展示了一辆法拉利全尺寸跑车——这辆车是可以吃到肚子里去的。 |
Bakery products could increase in size without increasing their energy value.However, processing effects on digestibility should be evaluated before adopting such an approach,she says.
然而,如果要采取这个方法的话,我们就要从新评估食物的吸收率。” |