This unexpected move serves to draw the black rook into the game.
这步意想不到的招法将黑方的车投入战局。 |
This unfair trestment arouses popular __C__.
这种不公待遇引起了公愤. |
This unfortunate incident may hinder the progress of the peace talks.
这个不幸的意外可能会阻碍和谈的进展。 |
This union can work; however, you both love to travel, therefore you may not spend much time together.
双子-射手:这对组合能凑合,不过你们都太爱游玩,以致于都没时间好好相处了。 |
This union in turn begins what is often called a nectar rain of orgasmic splendor throughout the entire nervous system and aura (electromagnetic field of energy around the physical body ).
这种联结依次是由通过称为极度兴奋的甘露开始,贯穿整个神经系统和光环(包围着物理身体周围的电磁的能量区域)。 |
This union is a critical and nagging match that results in lowered self-esteem for both of you.
这样一个挑剔的组合只会给双方的自尊心带来伤害。 |
This union is somewhat dull in other areas of life. You will have a tendency to grow fat together. Visualize two couch potatoes eating in front of the television.
金牛-金牛:这对情侣档在生活的某些方面有些无聊。金牛座的你有急增脂肪的趋势,可以想像2个电视迷坐在电视前狠吃猛喝是多么的可怕吧。 |
This union is usually hot, heavy and short lived.
你们的结合通常深厚刺激但却很短命。 |
This union lasted until 1991 when Croatia claimed independence, which prompted a Serbian invasion.
而1991年,克罗地亚公投决定脱离南斯拉夫,这引发了塞尔维亚的入侵。 |
This unique archaeological and ethnological reserve, located in the Northern Territory, has been inhabited continuously for more than 40,000 years.
卡卡杜国家公园位于澳大利亚北领地州,是考古学和人种学资料最完整的地方之一,人类已在此连续居住了40000多年。 |
This unique feature of labor-power explains the source of profits in a capitalist system.
劳动力的这种特质可以解释资本主义体系其利益的来源。 |