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Q: Some types of insects, e.g., mole crickets, can create damage on a golf course that results in unreasonable playing conditions.

Q: So are you ready to come back? 问:所以你准备好回来了吗?
Q: So besides your countryman Yao Ming, who is your favorite NBA player? 那除了你的同胞姚明以外,谁是您喜爱的NBA球员?
Q: So do you have to consciously get yourself up to speed or does it just come naturally? 问:所以你必须有意识地让自己达到速度或者只是自然而然就来了?
Q: So your feeling is that when the next choice is made you are at the head of the list? 问:所以你感觉会在什么时候对你做出下一个的决定?
Q: So, if they ask, would you accept the part in the next four Harry Potters? 问:那么,如果他们让你演,你会继续演接下来四部哈利波特吗?
Q: Some types of insects, e.g., mole crickets, can create damage on a golf course that results in unreasonable playing conditions. 《高尔夫球规则》是由苏格兰圣安德鲁斯皇家古老高尔夫球俱乐部及美国高尔夫球协会审定,世界通用的最权威职业和业余选手之行为规范用书。
Q: That engine failure was the team's first in 2006. What has been done to ensure it doesn't recur? 问:这是车队在2006年首次遇到的引擎故障。为了确保类似的情况不再发生,车队做了些什么?
Q: That was a very professional performance. You got through very quickly. Are you happy with the way you played? 你的表现非常专业,很快地赢球。你对自己打球的方式满意吗?
Q: That's great for creating objects; How about for updating? 问:创建对象很爽,但是如何更新?
Q: The Red Bull environment is perfect one for theatrics, for fun and games. Is it also perfect for your ambitions as a driver? 问:红牛的环境就表演效果和趣味性来说是最棒的。这对你作为一名车手的目标来说也是完美的吗?
Q: The Sudanese Government and the anti-government militants have reached an agreement on national power distribution. Does China welcome the move? 问:苏丹政府与反政府武装就国家权力分配达成协议。中方是否表示欢迎?

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