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Jenny: I was waken up by my alarm clock, but it was quite dark outside.

Jenny: Bullshit, you're looking at my leg. 詹妮:胡说,你明明在看我的大腿。
Jenny: Do you know blog? 詹妮:你们知道博客吗?
Jenny: Do you like your work? 詹妮:你喜欢你的工作吗?
Jenny: He's a nice guy all right; you know, he didn't bullshit me ans that's what I wnted. 詹妮:他是个很好的人,你知道他对我说了实情,这正是我想知道的。
Jenny: I haven't finished yet. 珍妮:我话都还没讲完。
Jenny: I was waken up by my alarm clock, but it was quite dark outside. 詹妮:我被闹钟惊醒,但是外面天还很黑。
Jenny: I will be when he carries me over the threshold. 詹妮:等他把我抱过门槛就好了。
Jenny: I'll offload some of his current responsibilities, so he can start almost right away. 我会减少他现在的工作量,那么他差不多可以立刻开始了。
Jenny: I'll try the turkey. 珍妮:我要试试看火鸡。
Jenny: I'm a secretary. And you? 詹妮:我是秘书。你呢?
Jenny: I'm from New York. 我来自纽约.

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