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It implies loyalty, cordiality, sympathy, affection,and readiness to help.

It illustrates that the fanners' burden for the state tax, the three deductions and five planspolicy and the voluntary labor service policy have fallen after the taxation reform; but the burden for the students' tuition and fees and the administrative fee 研究发现:包括国家税金、三提五统和义务工在内的农民负担在税改后实现了下降;但包括学杂费、行政事业性收费等在内的农民负担却持续上升,其中学杂费的增长速度最快。
It immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered. 当她看见美洲狮时,美洲狮立刻掉头而逃,椐专家证明,美洲豹除非被逼得走投无路,是决不会伤人的。
It immediately set Spider-fans wagging3 their tongues curiously. 这立即引起了蜘蛛侠迷们的好奇议论。
It imparts to readers impressive artistic figure, conceived with imposing imagination. 艺术形象生动的感人,意象雄奇瑰丽。
It implied either that being brought up with a lot of elder brothers affects a boy's sexual orientation, or that a mother's body is somehow able to keep count of how many sons she has conceived, and that this count affects the orientation of future childr 它意味着和许多哥哥一起成长会影响某个男孩的性取向,抑或是指母体有可能计下了其曾经孕育的男孩数,而这一计数过程则会影响后出生男孩的性取向。
It implies loyalty, cordiality, sympathy, affection,and readiness to help. 友谊蕴含真诚、热忱、怜悯、挚爱和乐于助人之意。
It implies that leadership affect individual learning and information asymmetry affect decision accuracy. 亦即有团队领导者会影响个人学习成效而信息分布会影响决策正确性。
It implies that small and medium sized commercial banks are hard to develop without credit derivative market, and financial synthesizing working can be approached through derivative market development. 由此可得出对我国金融发展的启示:中小商业银行的发展离不开信贷衍生市场,衍生市场提供了金融综合经营的实现途径。
It implies the necessity to promote the usage of helmets and seat-belts and the abstinence from drunken driving, and to establish falls management models in schools, in work sites and in communities. 至有必要加强宣导行车前不喝酒及行车使用安全帽(带),并建立学校、职场及社区之跌倒/落管理模式。
It imply the illegal word sign in the data. 数据中含有非法字符。
It impressed me that he remembered my name. 让我印象深刻的是他记得我的名字。

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