I stood there . . . speechless, confused. A person walking by said, Are you OK? It looks like you just saw a ghost.Ididn't respond. |
中文意思: 我僵在那里,目瞪口呆,困惑之极。有个人走过时问我:“你没事吧?你好象刚才看见了鬼似的。”我没有回答。 |
I stood in the cold little kitchen, misery overwhelmed me.
我站立在又冷又窄小的厨房里,满腹悲伤。 |
I stood on the edge terrified, but sure that once I jumped it would be OK. I would jump through my fear into exhilaration, I told myself.
我站在恐惧的边缘,确定一旦我跳了,一切都会好的。“我想逃离恐惧,体会欢欣”,我对自己说。 |
I stood staring, my mouth gaping, hoping I wasn't drooling.
我目瞪口呆地站在那里,希望自己没有失态。 |
I stood the child on a stool so that she could reach the shelf.
我把孩子抱到凳子上, 她就能够到那架子了. |
I stood the child on a stool so that she could reach the shelf.
我把孩子抱到凳子上,她就能够到那架子了. |
I stood there . . . speechless, confused. A person walking by said, Are you OK? It looks like you just saw a ghost.Ididn't respond.
我僵在那里,目瞪口呆,困惑之极。有个人走过时问我:“你没事吧?你好象刚才看见了鬼似的。”我没有回答。 |
I stood there quaking with fear.
我站在那里,害怕得直发抖。 |
I stood there until the car was out of sight.
我在那站着直到看不见那辆车。 |
I stood there, my lungs heaving in and out, my eyes locked on the earth in front of me.
我伫立原地,肺脏一缩一涨,双眼一直盯视着前方的地面。 |
I stood there, not knowing what to do.
我站在那里,不知道做什么。 |
I stood up to ask a question.
我站起来提一个问题. |