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After changes the system is the fine arts institute, besides has the fine arts department (to contain the fine arts to create master class) and the fine arts history research institute, by the adjustment is in addition the institutethe way, the establishm

After careful investigations and researches, this paper, using the SWOT method, analyzes the advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and challenges to Jianmenguan in applying for the establishment of a national geopark, and offers a marketing planning 通过实地调查论证,采用SWOT分析法,对剑门关在申报国家级地质公园中的内部优势、劣势和外部机遇、挑战进行了可行性分析,提出了适宜的旅游产品营销战略,这对剑门关地质公园开发旅游产品和客源市场具有指导性意义。
After careful testing and tuning, the inspection system appears good to the inspection of sound, chalky and off-type kernels, and rice screenings. 本系统在连续大量检测米粒时,其整体分类正确率超过80%,检出完整粒的精确度约为97%。
After carefully inserting the tool, the ape delicately moves it back and forth, and then withdraws it, licks it off and sticks it back in. 牠们小心插入工具后,灵巧地移进移出,再抽出将枝条舔过,然后再度插入。
After catching all fish, the water quality will reach the same level other sea area because of ocean current. 在养殖产品起捕后,由于海流作用,深水网箱养殖海区的水质很快就达到与未开展养殖海区一致。
After centuries of obscurity, the ancient faith of Zoroastrianism had a new visibility, and a symbolic standard to raise. 几个世纪的陷匿之后,琐罗亚斯德教的古代信仰拥有一个新的可见度,一个新的象征标准上升了。
After changes the system is the fine arts institute, besides has the fine arts department (to contain the fine arts to create master class) and the fine arts history research institute, by the adjustment is in addition the institutethe way, the establishm 改制为「美术学院」后,除现有之美术学系(含美术创作硕士班)及美术史研究所外,另以「调整系所」方式,成立「造形研究所」与「硕士在职专班」。
After changing its frequency  converse the quality get an improvement. 将其频率更改后通话质量得到改善。
After changing the tool rest angle, fasten screws. 搬动刀架角度后,必须紧固好螺丝。
After chases, accidents and scares - but no actual violence - the team would unravel the mystery, usually helped by Scooby-Doo chancing on a lucky clue. 在充满各种意外和惊险的追踪活动中,事实上并没有真正的暴力发生,四人小组在总能碰巧发现线索的史酷比的帮助下,揭开最后的谜底。
After chasing a substantiating busy, don't forget to reward oneself with bounties, at leisurely afternoon, put pieces of plain log furniture, mix some afternoon tea, come between field and soul that world combine offer to the dinner, enjoy the baptism of 追逐充实忙碌之馀,别忘了犒赏一下自己,在悠閒的午后,摆张素净的原木家具,配点下午茶,来场与天地结合的心灵飨宴,好好享受大自然的洗礼。
After checking and up to the grade,the buyer receive the goods and affix his signature or stamp his unit seal on the seller's delivery order. 验收合格后,需方收取货物并在供方出货单上签字或加盖单位印章。

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