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Based on the running rhythm of top 8 women racers in the Women 400m hurdle race of 10th IAAF world athletic championships in Helsinki, Finland on August, 2005, it pointed out the differences of chinese athlete Huang Xiaoxiao and the overseas elite athlete

Based on the role of journal of higher school, the author expounds the function of journal s editor in bringing forth the achievements of academic scientific research and teaching to the society, and further analyzes the role of journal's editing staff in 摘要从高校学报的作用出发,说明学报编辑在把高校科研成果、教学成果向社会推介时的作用,从而分析学报编辑人员在教学科研活动中扮演的角色:学报编辑是创造性智力劳动的从事者-设计师与制作师;是特殊之师―人师之师;是知识广博的专业人才-学者与专家。
Based on the roller-compacted test, check on construction and observation during operation, the fill-criteria of the design for the dam is obtained, and then the economic and reasonable roller compacted method, including selection of the roller, mechanica 摘要通过碾压试验、施工复核及大坝运行观测,得到了大坝的设计填筑标准,从而确定了经济合理的压实方法,包括压实机械选型、机械参数、砂砾料加水量等。
Based on the rough set theory, using the entropy to eradicate the redundancy properties, the corresponding arithmetic has been designed and realized, a relatively reasonable IC engine state evaluation index system has been constructed. 基于粗糙集理论提出运用信息熵对内燃机的状态评估特征参数进行约简,进行了相应的算法设计与实现,建立了一个相对合理的内燃机状态评估指标体系。
Based on the routine data and the observations of CINRAD/SA radar and automatic weather stations, a squall line affecting Fujian on May 22, 2005 is analyzed. 摘要通过常规资料、新一代天气雷达、自动站等资料对2005年3月22日影响福建的一次飑线系统进行分析。
Based on the rules of college lab work processes, this paper discussed the establishment of the college lab and equipment management institution, and proposed a method to divide the lab and equipment management institution into the administrative organ an 对高校实验室与设备管理机构设置定位问题进行讨论,并提出了妥善解决实验室与设备管理机构“政企分离”问题的思路。
Based on the running rhythm of top 8 women racers in the Women 400m hurdle race of 10th IAAF world athletic championships in Helsinki, Finland on August, 2005, it pointed out the differences of chinese athlete Huang Xiaoxiao and the overseas elite athlete 摘要通过对2005年8月在芬兰赫尔辛基举行的第10届世界田径锦标赛女子400米栏决赛的8名运动员栏间跑节奏的统计分析,指出我国运动员黄潇潇与国外优秀运动员相比,在速度、步数以及全程速度分配方面有一定的差距,旨在为我国女子400米栏训练提供借鉴。
Based on the runoff-evaporation hydrological model the water consumption in large oases located along the Kashigar, Yerqiang, Aksu, Hetian and Kaidu-Kongque River in the Tarim Basin are analyzed. 摘要应用散耗性水文模型的模拟结果,对塔里木盆地的喀什噶尔河、叶尔羌河、阿克苏河、开都-孔雀河、和田河的大型绿洲的耗水进行了综合分析。
Based on the said calculation and related analysis, process parameter optimization is done to expand product mix in terms of size range and variety. 通过计算分析,在现有顶管机的基础上进行工艺参数优化,可扩大机组生产的产品规格和品种。
Based on the same principle of floating stability calculation of rectangle caisson, the moment of inertia of gravity axis of the fan shape is transformed through coordinate transformation formula, and the general formula and calculation method of floating 摘要引用矩形沉箱浮游稳定计算的相同原理,把扇形重心轴的惯性矩通过转轴公式的转换,再经数学证明,得到带箱格圆形沉箱浮游稳定计算的通用公式和计算方法。
Based on the same standpoint of rationalism, they both advocate the identical proposition of establishing the moral religion, yet they differ from each other over the interpretation of the nature of religion. 基于相同的理性主义的立场,他们提出了目标一致的建立道德性宗教的主张,但在对宗教的性质的解释上却有所不同。
Based on the sample research that makes test objects from the students who are still in Grade one in Liedong Junior High School of Sanming City, Fujian Province and who are from the two comparable classes, having Carried on counseling them on how to get o 摘要本研究以福建省三明市列东中学初一年级两个平行班的学生为被试,对实验班的学生进行了为期三年的同伴交往辅导,试途探讨学生在班集体中的人际关系与学习成绩之间的关系。

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