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Comparisons of different collection methods of histerid beetles and their applications in field investigations

The graduation thesis design and enlightenment of biology department 生物系毕业论文设计及启示
Isolation and Identification of Swine Streptococcus of Arthritis 猪关节炎型链球菌的分离与鉴定
Innovational Front of Microorganisms for Improving Water Quality——A Study on Technique of Cell Solidifying 关于微生物水质改良剂细胞固定化技术的探讨
Research of Interaction between Bovine Pancreas DNase Ⅰ and DNA by Resonance Mirror Biosensor 利用共振镜生物传感器研究牛胰脱氧核糖核酸酶Ⅰ与DNA的相互作用
Expression and Purification of C-Terminal Domain in LRRN3,a Member of Neuron Leucine Rich Repeat Superfamily 神经系统富亮氨酸重复超家族成员LRRN3 C端结构域蛋白的原核表达和纯化
Comparisons of different collection methods of histerid beetles and their applications in field investigations 阎甲采集方法的比较及应用
The examine of the related quota of normal macaque sexual cycle 正常猕猴性周期相关指标的检测
An Experimental Study on Mutation Induction Technique of Pythium guiyangense Su,A Fungal Pathogen of Mosquitoes 灭蚊真菌贵阳腐霉原生质体诱变育种实验研究
Numeric Dynamics of Population of Endangered Species Dendrobium fimbriatum, Orchidaceae 濒危兰科植物流苏石斛的种群数量动态
Development of Free Radical and Retinal Pigment Epithelial Action 自由基与视网膜色素上皮作用研究进展
Immunocontraceptive effect of a synthetic chimeric peptide of sperm 一种精子蛋白嵌合肽的实验研究

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