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Results: Changes of Prayer's reflex threshold in two groups: ears in control group had elevated threshold to ,,8kHz frequence with ototoxicity rate of 87%.
果: 耳郭反射阈(PR)变化:对照组耳、、8kHz  个频率听力均下降,异常率为87%;

Results: The number of the drunken animals was /0 both in BUZUIDAN group and in KingDrink group,which was obviously less than that in the normal saline group with 9/0 drunken animals. 果不醉丹组和海王金樽组发生醉酒的动物数量均为/0只,明显少于生理盐水组的9/0只。
Results: The error of pyloric volume measurements with B-US:outside body test, absolute error,-.0ml±0. 8ml(range,-0.ml~.7ml),relative error,-9. 9﹪±.8﹪(range,-0.﹪~- ﹪)。 果: B超测定幽门体积的误差,在离体实验中:绝对误差-.0ml±0. 8ml(范围-0.ml~-.7ml),相对误差-9. 9﹪±.8﹪(范围-0.﹪~- 0.﹪);
Results: The expressions of ERα,NF-kappa BP,ICAM- and VCAM- of the male Buerger disease patients' arteria vascular endothelial cells are much more reinforced than that of the normal(P<0.0). 果 与正常组相比较,Buerger病患者病变血管内皮细胞ERα、NF-kappaBP、ICAM-以及VCAM-表达水平均呈显著性增强(P<0.0)。 0例动脉血管内皮细胞检测数据提示ERα与NF-kappaB表达呈直线回归关系(B=0.70,P<0.0);
Results: the Hp infecton rates of chronic activity gastritis, duodeno ulcer and cardiac cancer were much higher than those of the normal's (P<0.0) ; 果:慢性活动性胃炎、十二指肠球部溃疡、贲门癌患者胃内Hp的感染率比正常人明显增高(P<0.0);
Results: After weeks,the level of plasma lipoids(TC、TG、LD L -C)decreased significantly(P<0 0)。 果 : 高脂血症患者经银杏叶提取物治疗后 TC、TG、L DL-C较治疗前均明显降低 (P<0 .0 )。
Results: Changes of Prayer's reflex threshold in two groups: ears in control group had elevated threshold to ,,8kHz frequence with ototoxicity rate of 87%. 果: 耳郭反射阈(PR)变化:对照组耳、、8kHz  个频率听力均下降,异常率为87%;
Results: The area of anterior space of optic chiasma was 8. ±0.8 mm. 果 : 视交叉前间隙之间的面积为 ( 8.± . )mm ,视交叉前缘至鞍结节之间的距离为 (.± 0 .8)mm。
Results: The incidence of unusual blood glucose in pregnant women was . %(80/ ). 果: 妊娠期孕妇糖筛查异常发病率为. %(80/ );
Results: Linear correlation analysis: Except the markers of embryocardia Y , fetus pneusis Y , amniotic fluid Y , between every two markers of the rest are assumed to be linear correlation. 逐步回归分析前进法表明,以F= .98作为选入变量的界值,以F=.90作为剔除变量的界值,孕周X、痛经X、文化程度X、母亲体重X进入Z的回归方程,见表0,表;
Results:. The serum inhibin A levels in the study group (.8 ± 0. ug/L) were significantly higher than those in the control group (. ± 0.08ug/L) (P< 0.0). 子痫前期组患者血清抑制素A水平(.8±0. ug/L)显著高于正常妊娠组(.±0.08ug/L)(P<0.0);
Results:. 9% and . % of HBsAg are positive in paid and unpaid donation,.8% and .89% of anti-HCV are positive in these two groups. 果 :有偿和无偿献血者之HBsAg阳性率分别为 9%和 % ,抗 -HCV阳性率分别为 8 %和 89% ,抗 -HIVⅠ /Ⅱ结果均为阴性。

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