I once ran my own small-scale business but health problems eventually forced me to quit.
我以往也曾经营小生意,后来因病而退休。 |
I once read a book callthe call of the wild, but that's beside the question.
我曾读过一本书,叫《野性的呼唤》,不过这与本题无关。 |
I once read an article about how Japanese feel about burping.
我读过一篇文章,是关于日本人对于打嗝的看法。 |
I once read an article by a journalist called Bertram Jones, on cramp.
以前看过记者伯特伦琼斯写的一篇关于肌肉痉挛的文章。 |
I once saw a Dwarf resist a spell cast upon him.
我见过矮人抵抗魔法。(矮人曰:李奥克斯的胡子!) |
I once saw a man tear a telephone directory in half.
我有一次看见一个人把电话簿撕成了两半. |
I once spent three weeks in England and felt invisible from the second I set foot in London.
我曾有一次在伦敦待了3星期,却在抵达伦敦的一开始就觉得自己仿佛是个隐形人。 |
I once spotted a legless man sitting by a road at the Pushkar Camel Fair in India.
在我们参观的最后一天,我自己一个人,在旅馆对面街道上一个喧闹的角落里。 |
I once taught in a small private school.
我曾在一所私立学校任教。 |
I once took a part-time job delivering the Evening Post.
我曾干过送晚报的兼职。 |
I once tracked down your footsteps, still will be unable to pierceyour previous existence next life.
我曾追寻你的脚步,仍然无法洞穿你的前生来世。 |