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The taxi driver became more and more intolerant of the back-seat driver.

The tax-rebate of export is few of international conventions suit current adjust mechinism, it has bought great benfit to the enlargement of our national export of foregin trade, the development of national economy,facing to the facts international compet 出口退税是目前为数不多的符合国际惯例的调节机制之一,对我国外贸出口的扩大、国民经济的发展起到了十分重要的作用,面对国际竞争强化和进入世界贸易组织后一国贸易政策自由空间相对缩小的现实,我国更应加强对出口退税这一经济杠杆的运用。
The taxes have been remitted. 税已豁免。
The taxi arrived and we all piled in. 计程车一到, 我们一拥而上.
The taxi arrived and we all piled in. 计程车一到,我们一拥而上.
The taxi cab driver spoke very little English but understood that I needed to get to Jiang Yin (a city three hours outside of Shanghai) that same night. 这名出租车司机虽然说不了几句英语,但却明白我那一晚是要去江阴(离上海有三小时路程的城市)。
The taxi driver became more and more intolerant of the back-seat driver. 出租车司机对那个爱指手画脚步的乘客越来越感到难以容忍。
The taxi driver is fed up with the traffic jams in the city. 那个出租车司机受够了市区大大小小的塞车。
The taxi driver pulled into a roadside restaurant to get something to eat. 出租车司机把车开到路边饭店打算吃点东西。
The taxi ought to have arrive at 8 : 30. 出租车本该8:30到的。
The taxi sped off at full speed. 那辆出租车飞快地开走了。
The taxi zone is right on the left corner over there. 出租车站台就在左边转角处。

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