State contest company holds to Xing Bangsai course of study business purpose, hold to efficiency gives benefit, character casting brand management concept, with detail decides success or failure, manner success is remarkable spirit of enterprise, devote o
邦赛公司坚持“兴邦赛业”的企业宗旨,秉承“效率出效益,品质铸品牌”的经营理念,以“细节决定成败,态度成就卓越”的企业精神,致力于为消费者提供各类休闲皮鞋精品,引领休闲生活方式,力争成为中国真皮休闲鞋第一品牌。 |
State control has other pernicious effects.
国家管理还有另一个坏处。 |
State council western develop office and Ministry of Agriculture start-up re-grass some of cultivating television and telephone meeting, and start—up re-grass some of cultivation roundly.
国务院西部开发办、农业部日前召开退牧还草工作电视电话会议,全面启动退牧还草工程。 |
State development planning commission chief zengpeiyan said, the thought of actualize re-grass some of cultivating land engineering is: consummate more grassland family contracting system.
国家计委主任曾培炎指出,实施退牧还草工程的总体思路是:进一步完善草原家庭承包责任制,把草场生产经营、保护与建设的责任落实到户。 |
State election officials reported a huge voter turnout on Tuesday.
佛罗里达州选举官员报告说,星期二大批选民出来投票。 |
State enterprises practise democratic management through congresses of workers and staff and in other ways in accordance with the law.
国营企业依照法律规定,通过职工代表大会和其他形式,实行民主管理。 |
State enterprises were not involved in ~ and distribution of over-quota imports.
国营企业没有参与超配额进口的营销和分销。 |
State establishes one's identity through law and this identity is related both to consanguinity and to hierarchy.
国家通过法律确定人的身份,这种身份既有血缘的又有等级的。 |
State fishery administration and fishing port superintendency agencies shall exercise administrative and supervisory authority over external relations pertaining to fisheries and fishing ports.
国家渔政渔港监督管理机构对外行使渔政港监督管理权。 |
State governments use National Guard members to help during events like floods, earthquakes and riots.
在遇到洪水、地震以及骚乱的时候,州政府会起用国家警卫队来帮助应对这些情况。 |
State guarantees for public-sector banks have gone, removingan implicit subsidy for their loans.
过去国家对公有银行提供保障,其贷款拥有国家无形补助,现在保障没有了。 |