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How can we be free from the suffering of birth and death?Only when we nurture our heart with joy and unselfish giving can we truly release our attachments.

How can true love hurt others? 真正的爱怎么会伤害人呢!
How can upper-level managers discourage such actions? 高层管理者应怎样限制这种行为呢?
How can we analyze the behavior of house removal in the construction of new countryside from the aspect of law? 如何从法律的角度认识新农村建设中的房屋拆迁行为?
How can we appoint you as our sole agent for such a small quantity? 订货量如此之少,我们怎能请您做独家代理呢?
How can we be Buddhists? 95信佛要怎样信?
How can we be free from the suffering of birth and death?Only when we nurture our heart with joy and unselfish giving can we truly release our attachments. 如何达到生死自在的境界?唯有靠平常多培养“喜舍”之心,方达提得起、放得下之境界。
How can we be sure that it will be any different with the goal of improving access to water? 我们怎样才能确保在改善用水供应的目标方面情况会有所不同?
How can we be sure that we can develop both? 如何才能做到讲话既流利又准确呢?
How can we believe you?What you have said is out of thin air. 我们怎能相信你?你所说的全部是无中生有。
How can we best serve practitioners as well as bird education provider groups? 如何我们才能更好的为参与者和鸟类教育组织提供服务?
How can we best utilize our limited resources? 我们怎么可以最好地利用有限的资源呢?

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