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Is an army of junkmen necessary?

Is all 5 users using same layout? If layout is in sharing mode, easy corrupt and damage, especially with graphics and objects. 是否5个人都是共用一个视图?如视图是共享形式,视图会很容易崩浍和被破坏,尤其是视图内有很多图像。
Is all this brouhaha justified? 所有这些过度兴奋的情绪正常吗?
Is an Effective HIV Vaccine Feasible? 存在有效的艾滋疫苗?
Is an angel watching closely over me ? 是否有个天使密切地注视著我?
Is an angel watching closely over me? 天使是否正在身旁凝视著我?
Is an army of junkmen necessary? 你认为是否需要一支扒垃圾大军的存在?
Is an authenticated duplicate deposit slip received by someone other than the persons receiving cash, making the deposit and recording cash receipts? 除了收款人、解款人和收入记帐人外,其他人能否收到真实的、一式两份的收据?
Is an enchanter necessary to give magic properties to an item? 幻术师是否可以给物品添加魔法属性?
Is another mayor getting national ambitions? 还有其他市长想在美国出风头吗?
Is any man called being circumcised? let him not become uncircumcised. Is any called in uncircumcision? let him not be circumcised. 18有人已受割礼蒙召呢,就不要废割礼。有人未受割礼蒙召呢,就不要受割礼。
Is any member of the family special to your character in any way (perhaps, as a confidant, mentor, or arch-rival)? 有没有一些家庭成员对你来说很特别?(例如知己、良师、竞敌)?

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