We must change the management mode of amount and supply with the corresponding policies and measures in the two markets of the enterprise bond: the issued and circulated markets. |
中文意思: 提出在现有的条件下发展企业债券市场,必须以市场化作为政策供给的价值取向,对额度管理模式进行变革,在企业债券发行和流通两个市场上供给相应的政策措施。 |
We insist that there doesnt exist behavior not based on consciousness, and it doesnt exist consciousness not presenting certain behavior either.
我们坚持认为,没有不以意识作为其根据的行为,也没有不表现为某种行为的意识,行为完整地表现意识,意识则以不同的行为方式尽显于人体内外。 |
We introduce the programming in MOSCOW ML that is a functional program language.
为使用HOL系统,简单介绍函数式编程语言MOSCOW ML,该语言是HOL系统的元语言。 |
We introduce three kinds of metrics d i(i=, , ) in Fuzzy valued space M[0, ], and consider the topological properties of fuzzy valued metric spaces( M [0, ], d i)(i=, , ) .
在模糊值空间 M[0 , ]上定义 种度量 di(i= , , ) ,并讨论模糊值度量空间 (M[0 , ] ,di) (i= , , )的拓扑性质 |
We investigated cerumen types of 8 students of Uygur and Han.
对8名维吾尔族和汉族大学生进行了耵聍的调查。 |
We know that Baire theorem is deduced by Character of the totally bounded set in the metric vector spaces this paper extena that to the topological vecter spaces
在线性赋范空间中,由完全有界集的性质导出Baire定理,本文将它们推广到向量拓扑空间去,主要结果是线性拓扑空间中的致密集是全有界集,由此得出具Baire性质的T_线性拓扑空间的维数或是有限或者不可数的。 |
We must change the management mode of amount and supply with the corresponding policies and measures in the two markets of the enterprise bond: the issued and circulated markets.
提出在现有的条件下发展企业债券市场,必须以市场化作为政策供给的价值取向,对额度管理模式进行变革,在企业债券发行和流通两个市场上供给相应的政策措施。 |
We observed that a good separation of enantiomers of tropine acid ethyl ester derivatives could be obtained under the conditions of chromatography, which was mobile phase: alcohol water (9∶); flow rate: 0. mL/min;
以流动相为乙醇 水 (9∶ ) ,流速为 0 .mL/min的色谱体系 ,使托品酸乙酯在CTB柱上得到基线分离。 |
We observed that the enzyme activities are strongly positive or most strongly positive in following tissues and cells: NADHD,NADPHD, SDH, GPDH, ICDH, MDH, GDH, LDH and G--PDH, 9 kinds in total, inseminiferous tubules and ductuli efferentes;
We only did some experimentation on the B > 0.H double reinforced earth retaining wall, and observe the distortion of facings, the earth pressure and tensile force of reinforcement.
在此 ,我们仅对B >0 .H(B为两墙面间距 ,H为挡墙高度 )条件下的双面加筋土挡墙进行了试验研究 ,观测其墙面变形、墙面土压力和拉筋拉力的发展变化。 |
We point out that some well-known results of associative rings in this region,such as theorms of Herstein and Small,Hopkins, Levitzki,Lanski,Shock and so on,are valid in scalar associative algebras.
指出结合环在这方面的一些熟知的结果,诸如 Herstein 和 Small,Hopkins,Levitzki,Lanski,Shock 等人的定理在纯量结合代数中均成立。 |
We present a general method to prove a class of problems by Rolle′s theorem,which need make tricky function by Langrange or Cauchy mean value theorem,and point out our method is feasible for these problems.
提出罗尔定理证明一类存在性问题的方法,采用拉格朗日中值定理或柯西中值定理来证明这类问题往往需要构造精巧的辅助函数,我们还指出了这种方法的一般性. |