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A case could be made out that it's more human to kill off these wild kangaroos.

A cart clattered along the street. 一辆马车沿著街道吵杂作响地跑。
A carved works of a rich atmosphere of peonies, and branches Qu Yuan Sophie, rich and exquisite sections flu, very meticulous process superb, delicate cutting techniques smooth, rounded lines full of peony Choi intricately carved beautiful, the quality of 作品中精雕的一棵富贵大气的牡丹,枝干曲而圆柔,富灵秀圆润感,工艺极为细致精湛,刀法细腻流畅,线条圆润饱满,牡丹花财雕刻精致漂亮,玉质晶莹透水,富贵迷人,煞是吸引人心。
A carving of great antiquity. 年代久远的雕刻作品
A case can be made that Britain's creation in the 1920s of a single political entity called Iraq was a failure from the start, and that the only thing that can hold it together is an iron fist like Saddam Hussein's. 支持者可以举例说,英国在1920年代建立这个名叫伊拉克的政治实体本身就是个错误,只有萨达姆?侯赛因这样的铁腕人物才能维持其统一。
A case containing a ribbon in a spool, for use in printers and electric typewriters. 色带盒用于打印机和电动打字机中,卷轴中装有色带的盒子
A case could be made out that it's more human to kill off these wild kangaroos. 人们可以提出理由,即杀光这些野袋鼠更为人道。
A case fatality ratio measures the proportion of all people with a disease who will die from the disease. 病例病死率计量所有人群中死于所患疾病的比例。
A case in point is Amazon.com's “One Click” patent, issued in 1999, for making online purchases. 其中一个例子就是1999年发给亚马逊网路书店进行线上交易的「一点灵订购」专利。
A case in point is that the dolphin can save drowning men by pushing them to the surface of the water. 海豚就是很好的列子,海豚能够将落水者脱出水面,使得落水者得以获救。
A case in point is that thunderous applause particularly gives to the athletes who get hurt during the competition but continue to complete. 人们将雷鸣般地掌声特别给予那些在比赛中受伤但坚持完成比赛的运动员就是一个例子。
A case in point occurs when governments partly or fully own tobacco companies. 一个恰当的例子就发生政府部门部分或全部拥有烟草公司的时候。

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