Further topics include kinematics, particle dynamics, motion relative to accelerated reference frames, work and energy, impulse and momentum, systems of particles and rigid body dynamics.
更进一步探讨运动学,质点动力学,于加速座标系上之运动行为,功,能量,冲量,动量和质点系统与刚体动力学。 |
Further tutorial is available upon request.
如果有进一步需要可以在这区发帖要求。 |
Further up the food chain, there are bigger animals like cows and camels or koalas which also use bacteria in their stomachs to break down plants.
食物链的再上一层,便是更大的动物,如牛,骆驼或树袋熊,他们同样用其胃里的细菌分解植物。 |
Further up the mountain, the stranger spied another, even mightier salamander than Vulkan's conquest and set off in pursuit.
凡尔康惬意的抬着自己的可怕的猎获走向山下,然而就在这时可怕的死亡火焰却撼动了整个火山地带。 |
Further work is needed to determine the relatie contributions of AChE present in the total saliary cholinesterase actiity we hae measured in order to gie an indication of the origin of the saliary cholinesterase in pSS.
进一步研究确定乙酰胆碱酯酶在整个唾液胆碱酯酶活性中的作用是有必要的,我们研究了干燥综合征中唾液胆碱酯酶的初步作用迹象。 |
Further work with alpha 2 agonists will hopefully delineate the locations and interactions of these agents.
对α-2受体激动剂的进一步研究使得这些药物的作用位点和相互作用将越来越清晰。 |
Further work-up showed portal hypertension with esophageal varices.
进一步检测发现门脉高压伴食道静脉曲张。 |
Further, 10.9% of physical therapy group and 7% of the surgical patients need further operation to release the fibrotic bundle which limited their neck movement.
1岁以内评断保守治疗成功的幼儿,长大后仍有10.9%须手术治疗;手术治疗的病例中也有7%未能完成解决过紧的纤维化肌肉。 |
Further, Dean of COM values sufficient communications among COM students and “A Date with the Dean” event hosted by the Student Union serves as one of the bridges between COM students and the faculty.
最后不可忘的,便是年度的重头戏—口疗队与口医营,一个是具有优良传统的医疗服务队,一个赋有将高中生引入浩瀚的牙医学领域使命的营队,同样的也可以看到系学会干部的影子,在在都证明了有口腔医学学生在的地方,必然有系学生会的存在!! |
Further, I try a writing pad now, too slow and no Simplified Chinese, take long time.
再者,我现正测试一手写板,太慢,又没有简体字,太花时间了。 |
Further, I will bring upon you the possessor, O inhabitress of Mareshah; The glory of Israel will come As far as Adullam.
15居住玛利沙的女子阿,我必使那霸占你的来到你这里;以色列的荣耀必达到亚杜兰。 |