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Unfortunately, no, sir. We can't accept invitations from our guests.

Unfortunately, most genius are gifted, and not trained. 非常遗憾,天才大多数是天生有才华的,后天培养只是其次。
Unfortunately, most of them have been developed as tour places and overwhelmed by innumerable modern facilities as well as modern junks. 可惜的是,他们中的绝大多数早已被开发成了旅游景点,被不计其数的现代设施和现代垃圾淹没了。)
Unfortunately, most studies sorely neglect the user experience of online ads. 不幸的是,大多数研究完全忽视了在线广告会带来怎样的用户体验。
Unfortunately, most systems take a long time to reboot and, worse, may lose data in the process. 然而,许多系统的开机过程很长,更糟的是,处理中的资料还可能因此遗失。
Unfortunately, my long-term injury sent me far away from the match I was play, that was toughest period in my life, but even in that moment I still knew I was not walk alone, you and your staffs supported me as much as you can, I felt that from every day (很遗憾,长期的伤势使我远离比赛,这是我一段最艰难的时刻,但是即便在这个时刻,我也没有感到孤独,因为你和你的员工尽一切可能的给予了我最大的帮助,从每一天的训练中我都能够感觉到。)
Unfortunately, no, sir. We can't accept invitations from our guests. 很可惜,先生,我们不能接受客人的邀请。
Unfortunately, no. 很遗憾,没有。
Unfortunately, no. I ran out yesterday. (真不巧,没有。昨天我用完了。)
Unfortunately, on the eve of the charging zone's extension westward, doubts about how much it has achieved are growing. 不幸的是,在收费区域西扩的前夕,关于这种方式究竟取得了多大的成果的怀疑却在不断增长。
Unfortunately, our success was a reflection of the egregious security the ASP had provided on behalf of the client's data. 不幸地是,我们的成功是ASP为代表客户数据提供的异乎寻常的安全的反映。
Unfortunately, pancreatic cancer is a silent killer, and only in a few cases is the disease detected in time to permit radical surgery to remoe the organ -- and een in these cases, surial is limited. 然而不幸的是,胰腺癌发病很隐蔽,只有少数患者能得到及时手术切除肿瘤,即使这样,这少部分手术患者的生存率仍然很低。

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