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Another view point to get a spectacular sight of Machu Picchu is from the sun gate[5].

Another useful application for the alt/az track is displaying the position of Mercury or Venus in the evening or morning sky over time; this makes it very easy to see, for example, when Mercury is best placed for observation. 高度/方位角轨迹的另外一个作用就是显示一段时间内水星和金星在早晨或夜晚的运行轨迹;这样你就可以很容易的确定水星的位置,比如确定水星何时处于最佳观测位置。
Another useful method is to lean forward with your arms facing up and say, “I can see you have a question, what would you like to know?” 另一个很有用的方法就是用手扶住并前倾,正视对方然后说:“我看出来你有问题想问我,你想知道什么?”
Another very common source of skin allergies is the flea or mite bite. 其它皮肤过敏的非常共源极是蚤或小蜘蛛叮咬。
Another very prominent symbol of Christmas is the Christmas tree. 圣诞节另一个显著的象征是圣诞树。
Another view of the result 10 months postoperatively shows the appearance with the labia spread. 另一张术后10个月的照片,显示阴唇张开时的样子。
Another view point to get a spectacular sight of Machu Picchu is from the sun gate[5]. 另一个欣赏马丘比丘奇景的角度是从太阳门望过去。
Another view, less widely held, is that increasing particulate matter in the atmosphere is blocking sunlight and lowering the earth's temperature-a result that would be equally disastrous. 另一个不太普及的观点是:大气圈中不断增加的微粒子正在阻挡阳光并降低地球的温度---这一结果同样是灾难性的。
Another vital technology is the Chikyu's dynamic positioning system, an automatic, satellite-guided location fixer that corrects against wind, wave and current forces with six 360-degree thrusters under the hull, keeping the ship over the borehole. 地球号另一个重要的技术则是动态定位系统,这是一个利用卫星导航的自动定位器,并且校正了风速、海浪与船底的六个360度推进器产生的力量,使船可以一直维持在钻孔的上方。
Another warning from the Bush administration to Iran this time delivered by Vice President Cheney. 副总统切尼又一次向伊朗发出来自布什政府的警告。
Another warning from the Bush's administration to Iran this time delivered by Vice President Cheney. 副总统切尼这次声明了布什政府对伊朗的又一警告。
Another warning sign of a medical emergency is difficulty breathing. This could mean a heart condition, or a hole or blockage in a lung. 严重的胸痛可能是心脏病的征兆。严重的胃痛可能是盲肠炎的征兆。而严重的胸痛或背痛则意味着心脏病可能要发作。

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