Crow - Signifies a settled habitation and a quiet life.
乌鸦-象征稳定安宁的生活。 |
Crow, the criminal a crimson crime.
乌鸦这个罪犯犯了血腥的罪。 |
Crowded House play their final concert in front of an estimated crowd of 250,000 in front of the Sydney Opera House.
1996年,“拥挤的房子”(纽西兰著名乐队)在悉尼歌剧院前为估计25万的观众表演了他们的最后一场音乐会。 |
Crowded crowd, Splendid speech, fervor inquiry, continuous applause, these were the biggest thing we could satisfies.
拥挤的人群,精彩的讲演,激情的提问,持续的掌声,该是我们最大的满足吧! |
Crowded or massed into a dense cluster.
丛生的,聚生的聚集成密丛的 |
Crowded shops are a happy hunting-ground for pick-pockets.
拥挤不堪的商店是扒手行窃最得手的地方. |
Crowding into the Roosevelt Hotel on the evening of the Grammy telecast almost two weeks ago, the elegantly dressed executives from Sony BMG Music Entertainment had plenty to celebrate.
格莱美颁奖晚会两周前在罗斯福宾馆举行,当时场面热闹非凡。盛装出席的索尼BMG音乐娱乐公司总裁们满载而归。 |
Crowds descended upon tax offices all over the country Monday on the first day for filing consolidated income tax returns.
在申报综合所得税的第一天也就是星期一全国各地的群众找上税捐处。 |
Crowds disgorged from the theatre into the dark street.
人流从戏院涌出, 进入了黑洞洞的街道. |
Crowds gathered across the globe to listen to nonstop concerts with an eco-friendly message about global warming.
世界各地人民齐聚一堂,聆听一场旨在呼唤人们关注全球气候变暖问题的不间断环保音乐会。 |
Crowds have gathered at the windows of the hospital's nursery ward to marvel at Antonio, who is already 56cm (22in) long and drinks prodigious amounts of milk.
在医院育儿室,托尼奥和一个普通婴儿躺在一起。育儿室门外挤满了围观的人,大家都被这位小巨人吓得目瞪口呆。 |