But they, supposing him to have been in the company, went a day's journey; and they sought him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance.
44以为他在同行的人中间,走了一天的路程,就在亲族和熟识的人中找他。 |
But they, the Challenger Seven, were aware of the dangers, but overcame them and did their jobs brilliantly.
但是他们-挑战者七勇士们知道其中的危险,却不惧怕这种危险并完成了他们辉煌的使命。 |
But they, when they were departed, spread abroad his fame in all that country.
31他们出去,竟把他的名声传遍了那地方。 |
But things are changing, even in free-wheeling Monaco.
但即使身处随心所欲的摩纳哥,日子也将没那么好过了。 |
But things are said to be necessary to us, which are or will be notwithstanding all opposition supposable in the case from us.
但换成另一种说法,限定在对我们来说必然如此,则指不论我们有任何反对都是如此,且都将是如此。 |
But things change for the better when an American family agrees to sponsor their immigration to the United States of America.
开始时他们一家对寄人篱下的生活充满不安全感,后来跟照顾他们的美国教会家庭逐渐打破僵局,彼此学习对方的语言和文化。 |
But things didn't work out ?
怎奈天不遂人愿?? |
But things in China definitely are getting much more open, freer, these days.
但是无庸置疑,近年来中国正在变得越来越开放,越来越自由。 |
But think about being open and giving someone else a chance-finding that spark again sometimes takes time.
但是请你也要相信:开放心胸地给某个可以再给你火花的人一次机会,也是需要花时间才能再找得到。 |
But think about it, perhaps everyone only wants to hear Jay Chou's unique and familiar tunes, to fill in this hot summer day's dry heat, boringness, emptiness, sense of loss, and frustrations.
但想想,大家或许只是希望听到周杰伦独有的熟悉调调,填补这个大夏天的燥热、无聊、空虚、失落与烦闷。 |
But this I say by way of concession, not by way of command.
6我说这话,是容许你们,并不是命令。 |