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A low-cost but comprehensice, design and build, turnkey project which turned a deserted seashore to a parking lot for 45 yachts.

A low temperature option using liquid nitrogen is available, the nitrogen consumption is minimized by employing a temperature dependent control of the nitrogen flow. 氮损耗的最小量是通过利用温度依赖对氮流量进行控制的。
A low wall divides our garden from our neighbor's . 一道低围干墙把我家和邻居的庭院隔开。
A low, heavily armored structure, usually rotating horizontally, containing mounted guns and their gunners or crew, as on a warship or tank. 炮塔低矮的有厚甲保护的构造,通常能够水平转动,包括架好的枪炮,及炮手班组,如在战舰上或坦克上的炮塔
A low, heavy cart without sides, used for haulage. 板车低矮而且无车帮的车,用于拖载重物
A low, indistinct sound or utterance. 含糊的话低的不清晰的声音或语调
A low-cost but comprehensice, design and build, turnkey project which turned a deserted seashore to a parking lot for 45 yachts. 一个低成本但配套完善之设计连建造交锁匙式合约,建造了45个游艇泊位。
A low-cost form of investment, hugely popular with retail investors, is becoming more exotic. Not everyone is happy about that. 一种深受个人投资者喜爱的低费用投资形式,正变得奇异诱人,但不是每个人都喜欢他。
A low-dimensional nonlinear feedback control scheme for a nonlinear partial differential equation (PDE) system is addressed. 摘要一低次元非线性回馈控制方法用于处理一非线性偏微分方程式系统。
A low-fiber diet is associated with an increased risk of breast cnacer. Dietary fiber binds estrogen and facilitates its excretion, lowering cells' exposure to it. 饮食中的纤维素不足会增加患上乳癌的机会,因为纤维素可以把雌激素凝结起来,有助将雌激素排出体外,减少细胞接触到雌激素的机会。
A low-level player will get his entire inventory back and will not lose any experience. 低级玩家会全部获得财产并且不会损失任何经验值。
A low-power scan of glass slide from another case demonstrating non-inasie papillary urothelial carcinoma filling up the lumen of the ureter. 另一例非浸润性乳头状移行细胞癌,低倍镜下见肿瘤充满输尿管管腔。

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