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How did this company, which as recently as a year ago was widely considered a model of success, sputter so badly?

How did these countries impress you? 这些国家给你什么印象?
How did they react to your suggestion? 他们对你的建议有什么反应?
How did this abnormal psychology come into being? 是什么原因造成日本民族的这种畸形心态?
How did this accident come about ? 这个事故是怎么发生的?
How did this come about? 这是怎么发生的?
How did this company, which as recently as a year ago was widely considered a model of success, sputter so badly? 这一家公司仅仅在一年前还被公认为是成功的典范,现在怎么表现地如此差劲?
How did this dangerous state of affairs in Europe come about? 欧洲这危机是怎样发生的?
How did this verse describe Abraham's situation? 这句话表明亚伯拉罕当时的情况如何?
How did those living in the Russian lands perceive foreigners? 居住在俄罗斯土地上的人们又如何理解外国人?
How did we ever get this far ? 我们曾经来过这么远的地方吗?
How did we ever go this far ? 我们曾经走过这么远的路吗?

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